On Fri, 2009-05-01 at 10:38 -0500, Scott Granneman wrote:
> In those limited cases, sure.
> But c'mon, that's the way the world is headed. Sure, it's slower in  
> some places than others. But digital distribution over the Net is the  
> eventual goal for everything that can be digitally distributed over  
> the Net.
> If you don't believe me, ask someone who works at a newspaper or  
> magazine.

That may be the way the world is headed, but it is far from being there.
Look at it this way:


If the population of the Earth was reduced to that of a small town with
100 people, it would look something like this:

57% Asians
21% Europeans
14% Americans (Northern AND Southern)
8% Africans

52% women
48% men

70% colored-skins
30% Caucasians

89% heterosexuals
11% homosexuals

6 people would own 59% of the whole world wealth and all of them will be
from the USA.

80% would have bad living conditions.

70% would be uneducated.

50% would be underfed.

1 would die ... 2 would be born.

1 would have a computer.

1 (only one) will have higher education.

If there is food in your refrigerator, you have shoes and clothes, you
have a bed and a roof, then you are richer than 75% of the people in the

If you have a bank account, money in your wallet and some coins in the
money-box, you belong to the 8% of the people in the world who are

So ......... for 99 out of 100 people worldwide, "digital distribution"
is when you use all your fingers to hand something out.


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