On Fri, 2009-05-01 at 11:26 -0500, Scott Granneman wrote:
> Yeah yeah yeah. I know all about that.
> I'm talking about Americans.
> Things are different in other countries. WAY different.

True.  And yet, according to recent studies, "A new divide has developed
between those who have high-speed connections to the Internet and those
stuck with slow dial-up access, a report released yesterday said.
Elderly, less educated and low-income users are less likely to enjoy
high-speed Internet access than younger, college-educated, upper-income
users, according to the report by the Pew Internet & American Life
Project, which researches the impact of the Internet. The report said
that 53 percent of home Internet users have residential high-speed
connections, up from 21 percent in 2002, but that some have been left in
the digital dust."

So, given these stats, nearly one in two Americans would be unable to
download the material on the CD.

Trash?  Or, helping 50% of your readers?

You decide.


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