Just FYI:  this is a known "restriction" at this point.   However, I'm 
going to be working on fixing it this week.   It is a big hold up for 
some of the work I need done.


On Monday 16 April 2007 08:50, Christopher Moesel wrote:
> Hello,
> I would prefer to keep my schema types in a separate XSD file rather
> than define them inside the WSDL file.  So, I use an xsd:import to
> accomplish this.
> This appears to work well in CXF with one exception:
> When I view the wsdl at
> http://localhost:8080/myapp/services/MyService?wsdl the import doesn't
> resolve correctly, since it is a relative import.
> I want to avoid using an absolute address for the import, since this
> will be deployed on several different servers.  I suppose I could use
> "../MyService.xsd" as a relative address, but then that affects my
> project's file structure so that I can't have the XSD and WSDL in the
> same directory.
> Any ideas or work-arounds?
> Thanks,
> Chris

J. Daniel Kulp
Principal Engineer
P: 781-902-8727    C: 508-380-7194

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