daniel.mfreitas wrote:
Well, the file you provided as an example throws

WSDLToJava Error : The binding file: file:/jaxb-bindings.xml references a
not well-formed xml document.
You need to make it well formed. Use CXF WSDLValidtor , WTP or other xml vlidator to validate
your wsdl and binding file .
The file that I provided as an example and that works with JAXWS RI looks
quite different from the <jaxws:bindings/> file I've seen around. For
example the root of the document is <xs:schema/>. Also in the file I
provided I do not have to specify my WSDL file, which makes sense for me
sisnce all I want to do is that the entity stubs implement Serializable. I
need them to be serializable so I can use them with other frameworks that
requires it.

Which cxf version did you use ? The binding file without schemaLocaiton or wsdlLocation is supported
in  CXF2.0.3 , see  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CXF-1094.

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