Nothing so far...

I'm feeling stupid right now. I think I will have to go back and learn more
about XML. Problem is, time is not something we can afford :/. Is there any
other way to make them Serializable (without, of course, having to write our
own solution to add that manually)?

Jim Ma-3 wrote:
> <serializable> element is in wrong namespace , you need to change it  
> to  <jaxb:serializable uid="-6026937020915831338" />.
> daniel.mfreitas wrote:
>> Well, the file that worked for me is this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <jaxws:bindings wsdlLocation="mywsdl.wsdl"
>>     xmlns:jaxws="";
>> xmlns:xs="";
>>     xmlns:jaxb="";
>> xmlns:xjc="";>
>>     <xs:annotation>
>>         <xs:appinfo>
>>             <jaxb:globalBindings>
>>                 <xjc:serializable uid="-6026937020915831338" />
>>             </jaxb:globalBindings>
>>         </xs:appinfo>
>>     </xs:annotation>
>> </jaxws:bindings>
>> Problem is the classes are still not Serializable. I think
>> <jaxws:bindings>
>> dot not recognize <xs:appinfo> or <xjc:serializable>.
>> Ok let's forget about binding files for a moment. Let's get to the basic
>> problem. I want the generated stubs to implement Serializable. That's all
>> I
>> need. How can I make this happen?
>> James Mao wrote:
>>> You have to make sure all your xmls are well-formed, probably caused by 
>>> a missing closing tag, or such
>>> You can check it with your browser
>>> James
>>>> Well, the file you provided as an example throws
>>>> WSDLToJava Error : The binding file: file:/jaxb-bindings.xml references
>>>> a
>>>> not well-formed xml document.
>>>> The file that I provided as an example and that works with JAXWS RI
>>>> looks
>>>> quite different from the <jaxws:bindings/> file I've seen around. For
>>>> example the root of the document is <xs:schema/>. Also in the file I
>>>> provided I do not have to specify my WSDL file, which makes sense for
>>>> me
>>>> sisnce all I want to do is that the entity stubs implement
>>>> Serializable.
>>>> I
>>>> need them to be serializable so I can use them with other frameworks
>>>> that
>>>> requires it.
>>>> Jim Ma-3 wrote:
>>>>> Hi ,
>>>>> Add the wsdlLocation and Xpath express  to provide which schema you
>>>>> want 
>>>>> to customize , try the following binding file
>>>>>  to see if it works for your wsdl:
>>>>> <jaxws:bindings wsdlLocation="${your.wsdl}"
>>>>>           xmlns:jaxws="";
>>>>>           xmlns:xs="";
>>>>>           xmlns:wsdl="";>
>>>>>   <jaxws:bindings  node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xs:schema">
>>>>>                            <jaxb:globalBindings>
>>>>>                                     <xjc:serializable 
>>>>> uid="-6026937020915831338"/>
>>>>>                           </jaxb:globalBindings>
>>>>>   </jaxws:bindings>
>>>>> </jaxws:bindings>
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Jim
>>>>> daniel.mfreitas wrote:
>>>>>> Hello. I want to use wsdl2java to generate the client stubs to be
>>>>>> used
>>>>>> by
>>>>>> my
>>>>>> client web application. I am using Spring Web Flow and it requires
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> objects used in the flow are Serializable.
>>>>>> I successfully generated Serializable classes using the following
>>>>>> bindings
>>>>>> file and Metro JAXWS RI implementation:
>>>>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>>>>> <xs:schema xmlns:xs="";
>>>>>> xmlns:jaxb="";
>>>>>>  xmlns:xjc="";
>>>>>> elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
>>>>>>  jaxb:extensionBindingPrefixes="xjc" jaxb:version="1.0">
>>>>>>  <xs:annotation>
>>>>>>          <xs:appinfo>
>>>>>>                  <jaxb:globalBindings>
>>>>>>                          <xjc:serializable uid="-6026937020915831338"/>
>>>>>>                  </jaxb:globalBindings>
>>>>>>          </xs:appinfo>
>>>>>>  </xs:annotation>
>>>>>> </xs:schema>
>>>>>> But because of some limitations of Metro RI, we want to switch to
>>>>>> CXF.
>>>>>> When
>>>>>> calling wsdl2java from a maven build file and we try to supply the
>>>>>> above
>>>>>> binding file, cfx throws
>>>>>> WSDLToJava Error : Unknown external binding files:
>>>>>> This is not a FileNotFoundError. wsdl2java does find the file, but it
>>>>>> seems
>>>>>> it does not understand its contents. I wanted to use CXF for
>>>>>> everything
>>>>>> including java2wsdl and wsdl2java. We have bad experiences to set up
>>>>>> JAXWS
>>>>>> Metro RI and for some developers it is a pain to put it to work. 
>>>>>> So how can I make the entities stubs to implement serializable with
>>>>>> wsdl2java?

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