From: "sethiadi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [cyber-gki] Refuting Darwinism.( From Harun Yahya website).

wah oom satu ini skrg sudah berkelana sampai ke turki, ke kreasionis islam 
yg menjadi bagian dari bangkitnya gerakan ekstrimis islam yg anti-demokrasi. 
salut-salut ... gitu dong oom, dialog antar umat beragama. fundamentalis 
kristen bertemu fundamentalis islam. hehehe .... hebat bener. dulu minta 
bantuan artikel tukang nujum, skrg kreasionis islam. so desperate huh?

ini ada hadiah artikel buat oom. sumber:


Islamic Scientific Creationism: A New Challenge in Turkey
by Ümit Sayin and Aykut Kence

Originally published in RNCSE 19 (6): 18-20, 25-29. The version on the web 
might differ slightly from the print publication.
At the time that "Creation Science: A Successful Export?" was published in 
RNCSE (Matsumura 1998), there was an notable debate among intellectuals, 
scientists, lay people and fundamentalist Islamists concerning Islamic 
scientific creationism in Turkey. Since the early 1990s, the Science 
Research Foundation (Bilim Arastirma Vakfi, or BAV) has undertaken a new 
mission of spreading an Islamic version of scientific creationism in Turkey, 
the ideology of which was mainly imported from the US. However, it was not 
until late 1998 that many scientists and academics, as well as Turkish 
science institutions, such as TUBITAK (the Turkish Scientific and Technical 
Research Council) and TUBA (the Turkish Academy of Sciences), protested the 
pseudoscience of BAV and published declarations against Islamic scientific 
creationists. To understand better the Islamic scientific creationism 
movement in Turkey, it is expedient to review the history of the Turkish 
Republic and the rise of Islamic fundamentalism in Turkey.

The Turkish Republic: A Unique Democratic and Secular Islamic Country
Turkey is one of the few secular and democratic Muslim countries. 
Ninety-nine percent of the population is said to be Muslim - although the 
definition of "being Muslim" in Turkey makes it unlikely that all of these 
Muslims practice orthodox Islam. In most of the other Islamic countries, 
Sharia, Allah's Law for Muslims, dominates the constitution and the legal 
system, so that the state and the religion are united. Separation of the 
state and religion remains alien and unrealistic to such countries. In 
contrast with the constitutions in many other Islamic states, the Turkish 
Constitution forbids the religious laws from dominating government and 
society and requires that the state and religion be separated (Article 2, 
Turkish Constitution [revised in 1982]).

The Turkish Republic was founded in 1923 after the fall of the Ottoman 
Empire and a period of revolution and reformation led by Mustafa Kemal 
Atatürk, who became Turkey's first president. When the new republic was 
formed, the government took many precautions to prevent Islam from being as 
influential in governance as it was during Ottoman times. Among these 
reforms were replacing the Arabic alphabet with the Roman alphabet, which is 
more suited to expressing the Turkish language; granting equal rights to 
women; and reforming education, including the elimination of compulsory 
religion courses and the introduction of evolution theory as an important 
part of the biology curriculum. Prayers once recited only in Arabic were 
translated into Turkish, so that everyone could understand them; religious 
education based in extremist sectarian centers called Tekkes, Tariqas, and 
Zaviyes was banned; and a new legal system based on a European model was 
adopted. In 10 years (1923-1933), a new modern Western country, with a new 
identity and ideology, was quickly created from an oriental empire. There 
was a clear-cut shift in the whole state precept, including secularism.

When Atatürk died in 1938, there were still many other reforms of 
governmental and cultural affairs to be finished, for the improvement of the 
new country. After 1950, the Enlightenment-based ideals and reforms of the 
revolution started to decline. Right-wing and conservative cliques and 
political parties were ready to exploit the weaknesses of the inexperienced 
government. Some of the social changes and civil rights attained by the 
revolution in 1923 were lost. Some politicians appealed to the uneducated 
and illiterate majority of Turks, who were still very religious and strongly 
influenced by local religious authorities (Sheiks and Mullahs), who promised 
a return to the good old Ottoman days. This turmoil continued until the 
military coup in 1960. A new constitution based on a Western legal system 
was approved in 1961, which banned efforts to support the establishment of a 
non-secular religious state based on Sharia Law.

Despite this setback, fundamentalist self-assertion continued into the 
1970s. Various fundamentalist parties founded and headed by Necmettin 
Erbakan were able to attract as much as 9% of the vote, while other 
right-wing parties also continued to appeal to religious sentiments in order 
to attain power. In 1980 a right-wing junta headed by Kenan Evren took 
power, warning of the threat of communism. This was a milestone for the 
fundamentalists and extreme religious groups, which started to gain even 
more power. Soon Evren was succeeded by Turgut Özal, an active member of a 
religious order.

Fundamentalist groups organized within the government, in the bureaucracy, 
in the armed forces, and among the public, while the secularist, leftist 
opposition was suppressed. During the 1980s and 1990s, thousands of writers, 
scientists, journalists, and ordinary people suffered years of imprisonment 
for criticizing Evren's regime. During this period, no critique of or 
comment on the possible consequences of the deeds of the government was 
allowed, since this would be considered a thought crime - the equivalent of 
being involved in a conspiracy against the Republic, and being a separatist 
or even a communist. The fundamentalist vote increased to about 20% through 
the 1990s before declining to 16% in 1999. The main aim of one of these 
fundamentalist parties (known as the Welfare [Refah] Party), as stated many 
times by Erbakan and other party members in public talks, was to establish a 
theocratic and Sharia-based state (as in Iran or Afghanistan) through civil 
war and to promote Jihad (religious war).

By the late 1990s, things began to change. On February 28, 1997, the 
National Security Council responded to the fundamentalists and took steps to 
protect the constitution and the secular-democratic structure of the state 
by issuing a strong declaration that the Turkish military would protect the 
constitution and its secular and democratic system by any means necessary. 
The government toppled, and in 1998, the supreme court revoked Erbakan's 
senatorship and disbanded the Welfare Party. A few months later, the 
fundamentalists re-organized under the name of the Virtue (Fazilet) Party.

The Islamic version of "scientific creationism", as promoted by BAV, sprang 
up and gained power under these circumstances in the early 1990s, with the 
support of the Islamic fundamentalists and radical Islamic sects (tariqas).

Islam and Creationism

The Qur'an, like the Bible, accepts the creation of the universe, the earth, 
and life on earth by Allah (the God of Muslims) in 6 days. According to 
Islamic sources and the Qur'an, Allah created the soil first, then the 
mountains, light, and the animals, and then Adam (Qur'an: Hjcr 26-29; Zumar 
6; Ta Ha 116-119; Baqarah 31-34, 36-37; A'raf 19; also see Arsel 1996, 
1997a, 1997b, 1999; Dursun 1992). Adam is created from the soil. However, 
scholars acknowledge that the Qur'an has been modified and rewritten through 
the centuries (Lebster 1999; Dursun 1992).

The Qur'an accepts the divine validity of the information presented in the 
sacred books of Jews and Christians; consequently the creation accounts in 
the other sacred books are also accepted by the Qur'an. In the Qur'an, the 
description of Adam and Eve's adventures in Eden is not as detailed as it is 
in Genesis, but it is obvious that the creation story in the Qur'an was 
influenced by Genesis. However, the Qur'an provides no basis on which to 
estimate the age of the earth, in contrast to the scriptural accounts that 
form the basis of much of Christian "scientific creationism".

Science in Islamic Culture
In Islam, philosophers use the word ilm to refer to science in the broader 
sense of human knowledge, which can accommodate religious as well as natural 
studies. In contrast, the Western tradition sees science as a valuable way 
of describing and predicting the natural world without reference to any 
religious precepts. Christian fundamentalists promoting "creation science" 
cloak religious precepts in the trappings of science because of the 
pre-eminence of scientific method in Western countries. However, such an 
approach was rare in Islamic countries, where science emerged in a different 
cultural and religious context-that is, until BAV arose as an Islamic 
missionary to become the Muslim champion of "scientific creationism" in 
Turkey and in other Islamic countries.

BAV's activities are integrally connected to the rise of Islamic 
fundamentalism in Turkey, where secularism and science have become rooted to 
some extent and more strongly established than in many other Islamic 
countries (Sayin 1998a, 1998b; OECD Report 1996). In the style of the 
Institute for Creation Research, BAV is now trying to supply "scientific" 
data to the public that, it proposes, proves the religious accounts of the 
creation, instead of appearing to appeal strictly to dogmas or sacred books.

Even though the Qur'an describes the creation of life on earth as a 
purposeful action by Allah, some Muslim philosophers have defended 
evolutionary ideas based on the notion of the Great Chain of Being. This 
interpretation is similar to that advanced by Christian theistic 
evolutionists, who claim that evolution is also created by God. One such 
philosopher was Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), who proposed an evolutionary theory 
in which created life originated from minerals, evolved into plants, and 
then evolved into animals.

Ibn Khaldun wrote:

It should be known that we - May God guide you and us - notice that this 
world with all the created things in it has a certain order and a solid 
construction. It shows nexuses between causes and things caused, 
combinations of some parts of creation with others, and transformations of 
some existent things into others, in a pattern that is both remarkable and 
endless. ...Each one of the elements is prepared. It started out from 
minerals and progressed, in an ingenious, gradual manner, to plants and 
animals. The last stage of minerals is connected with the first stage of 
plants...The last stage of plants is connected with the first stage of 
animals. ... The word "connection" with regard to these created things means 
that the last stage of each group is fully prepared to become the first 
stage of the next group (Ibn Khaldun 1967: 194-5).

Ibn Khaldun is also one of the philosophers who suggested that humans 
evolved from apes:

The animal world then widens, its species become numerous, and in a gradual 
process of creation, it finally leads to man, who is able to think and to 
reflect. The higher stage of man is reached from the world of monkeys, in 
which both sagacity and perception are found, but has not reached the stage 
of actual reflection and thinking. At this point we come to the first stage 
of man after the world of monkeys. This is as far as our physical 
observation extends (Ibn Khaldun 1967: 195).

Al-Afghani (1839-1897), who initially opposed the theory of evolution, later 
accepted it, proposing that Muslim thinkers preceded Darwin in advocating 
the theory of evolution (Bezirgan 1972).

There is considerable room for interpretation within Islam as to the date of 
the Creation, since there are no explicit statements about it in the Qur'an 
as there are in the Bible. Other aspects of the Qur'an afford room for 
interpretation as well. In one place in the Qur'an, a single day is said to 
correspond to 1000 years, yet in another verse, a day is said to correspond 
to a period of 50 000 years (Edis 1994). Thus geological time scales do not 
disturb the Muslim conception of creation (Edis 1999). It is also 
interesting that those contradictions and many uncertainties in the Qur'an 
do not disturb Muslims, and the interpretation of the surahs (parts of the 
Qur'an) can vary depending upon the circumstances or the reader (see Dursun 
1992; Arsel 1996, 1997a, 1997b, 1999).

Teaching Religion, Creationism, and Evolution in High School in Turkey
During the Ottoman Period (13th-20th centuries CE), Medreses - Ottoman 
schools for teaching science and religion, roughly equivalent to sectarian 
religious universities in the West - taught Islam and the Qur'an as a part 
of the official curriculum; science was seen as a small part of religious 
education. It was not only compulsory to learn the Qur'an, but also to 
believe it under penalty of imprisonment, exile, or execution by order of 
Sharia judges. There was no tolerance for contradictions between science and 
creation according to the Qur'an. Ottoman religious authorities banned 
printing presses and kept Ottomans isolated from the Renaissance, 
Reformation, and Enlightenment until late in the 18th century.

When the Turkish Republic was established in 1923, the whole education 
system was reformed from high school to the universities. Atatürk himself 
wrote some chapters in the famous Tarih ve Medeni Bilgiler (History and 
Civilized Knowledge) textbook for high schools, which defended evolution, 
materialism, and Western science (Afetinan 1968; Perincek 1994). The 
participants in the reforms of the Turkish Revolution included 
intellectuals, scientists, politicians, law professors, and so on, who were 
educated in Europe (especially France and Germany). Between 1928 and 1948, 
books about quantum theory, relativity, evolution, Western literature, and 
modern and classical art were translated into Turkish by the government and 
delivered to people for free or at low cost. Creationism and compulsory 
religious instruction were nonexistent in the education system of Turkey 
during this period.

Under the rising influence of the fundamentalist party of Erbakan through 
the 1970s, the right-wing governments made religion courses, as well as the 
recitation of prayers in high schools, compulsory once again. Memorizing and 
reciting Arabic prayers became obligatory in the 1980s. Thousands of Qur'an 
courses followed, some outside of the high school curriculum, but all meant 
to institute government-sanctioned religious instruction.

At first, creationism was taught only in religion and ethics classes in high 
schools (Ayas and Tumer 1994). Later, in the mid-1980s, creation was made 
compulsory in biology courses (Kence 1985, 1995; Edis 1994). In 1985 Vehbi 
Dincerler, the Minister of Education in Ozal's government and a member of a 
religious tariqa, sent a bulletin to high schools that accused educators who 
taught and defended evolution of being communists. The fear of communism was 
as effective for intimidating people in Turkey as it was in the McCarthy era 
in the US and has been used successfully more recently by BAV to combat 

Thus creationism was introduced to high school biology textbooks as an 
alternative "hypothesis" (Guven and others 1985). This form of creationism 
was mostly adopted from Henry Morris's Scientific Creationism (Morris 1974), 
which was translated into Turkish by the Ministry of Education in 1985. 
Creation was explained in the biology textbooks as follows:

In creationism's opinion, all living entities and species were created by 
Allah separately. Although they may have undergone some changes since the 
day they were created, neither did any evolve into other species (Guven and 
others 1997: 68).

Even though evolution was still in the textbooks, it was taught in a biased, 
ludicrous, and non-scientific way, so that it could be discredited easily by 
some of the religious high school biology teachers. One of the ridiculous 
statements found in the high school books is:

contrary to what evolutionists claim, it has been demonstrated that frog, 
mouse, and snake bloods are closer to human blood than that of monkeys (Ayas 
and Tumer 1996: 12).

Another sentence misconstrued Darwinism by stating that

according to Darwin, strong ones would live, and weak ones would be 
eliminated. However strong organisms such as dinosaurs, and mammoths have 
become extinct, whereas some weak organisms such as earthworm could survive 
(Ayas and Tumer 1996: 13).

When the Social Democrats came to power in 1998 under prime minister Bülent 
Ecevit, the biology textbooks were revised, and chapters related to Darwin 
and Lamarck were rewritten more objectively (Korkmaz and others 1998). 
Creationists' arguments were still presented as alternative hypotheses, but 
to make the books appear more secular, phrases such as "according to Islam" 
were replaced with "according to sacred books".

The modifications in the biology textbooks infuriated and mobilized those 
who wanted evolution to be taken out of the curriculum, including 
fundamentalists and BAV. The result was a series of belligerent actions 
against Turkish scientists at universities and at institutions such as TUBA 

With its considerable political support, it seems that BAV could achieve its 
goal of replacing evolution with a form of creationism. The BAV aims to 
convince the majority of the politicians in the parliament that evolution is 
not a fact, but a hoax. In February 1999 a representative from the 
fundamentalist Virtue Party proposed a Bill of Anti-Evolution to ban 
teaching of evolution in the schools and to collect and destroy all the 
books about evolution in the official libraries, on the grounds that 
evolution is against Islam (Hurriyet, March 9, 1999).

BAV (Science Research Foundation) and its Activities
BAV is a radical fundamentalist foundation established in 1991 by Sheikh 
Adnan Oktar. It is an integral part of the rise of fundamentalist Islam in 
Turkey. BAV is not an independent organization and the source(s) of its 
funding remain very obscure. Its activities and publications utilize 
millions of dollars each year, so it is difficult to imagine that this 
amount of funding can be supplied just by donations, as some at BAV claim. 
The newspaper Hurriyet recently revealed that Adnan Oktar and BAV have 
strong connections with Necmettin Erbakan, the former leader of various 
fundamentalist parties. The newspaper Cumhuriyet recently reported that 
other support for BAV comes from Fettullahcilar - a tariqa established by 
Fettullah Gulen, who used to preach the evil and wickedness of evolution 
(Cumhuriyet, June 29, 1999).

BAV has also published several books under the pen name Harun Yahya and has 
delivered copies to the public free of charge. It is generally believed that 
Harun Yahya is actually a commission formed by BAV, although recent reports 
have claimed that Harun Yahya is Necmettin Erbakan or a collaboration 
between Erbakan and Adnan Oktar (Hurriyet, September 13-15, 1999).

However, considering the vast range of subjects and the sheer number of 
books - from The Qur'an-Islam, Free Masonry and Anti-Semitism to Evolution 
and Molecular Biology - it is unlikely that Harun Yahya is a single person. 
Both BAV and Harun Yahya are still poorly understood. No one claiming to be 
Harun Yahya has made any public appearances or has granted any interviews.

BAV has a long history of contact with American creationists, including 
receiving assistance from ICR. Duane Gish and Henry Morris visited Turkey in 
1992, just after the establishment of BAV, and participated in a creationist 
conference in Istanbul. Morris, the former president of ICR, became well 
acquainted with Turkish fundamentalists and Islamic sects during his 
numerous trips to Turkey in search of Noah's Ark (Acts & Facts 1998a,1998b). 
BAV's creationist conferences in April and June 1998 in Istanbul and Ankara, 
which included many US creationists, developed after Harun Yahya started to 
publish his anti-evolution books, which were delivered to the public free of 
charge or given away by the daily fundamentalist newspapers Akit and Zaman 
as promotions.

BAV also organized local conferences on creationism in almost every major 
city and town in Turkey (about 120 locations) about creationism, defending 
Harun Yahya's claims (Harun Yahya 1997) and similar arguments by ICR (see for details). The main premise of the 
conferences was that science has disproved evolution and proved the truth of 
creation (for details of these conferences and more information, see the web 
pages attributed to Harun Yahya and BAV ).

Turkish Scientists Respond to BAV
During the early 1990s, when Harun Yahya's small inexpensive books started 
to circulate among the public, academics did not take BAV and Harun Yahya 
seriously, despite the long continuing dissonance between university and 
scientific circles and right-wing governments over democracy, secularism, 
and the creation/evolution issue. University academics simply ignored the 
books, and most of the biology and medicine professors considered it beneath 
their dignity to answer the arguments of Harun Yahya and other creationists. 
A similar position was taken by the intellectuals before 1980s - 
disregarding the majority of the public and some peripheral movements was an 
important factor that probably contributed to the rise of fundamentalism in 
Turkey (for details, see Narli 1999).

However, at the turn of the millennium, scientists and academics in Turkey 
realized that they were besieged by fundamentalist Islamists and a public 
convinced by Harun Yahya that evolution has collapsed. Even so, most of the 
scientific organizations and university professors remain unmoved to act 
against the pseudoscience of BAV. However, the authors of this article 
believe that defending science and evolution is indispensable in a 
democracy, and we believe that every single statement of Harun Yahya and BAV 
should be opposed by using scientific knowledge. As a part of our effort to 
do so, we have written numerous articles to defend evolution and inform the 
public about what science really says (see Kence 1982, 1985, 1994a, 1944b; 
Sayin 1998c, 1998d, 1998e).

After BAV's conferences in 1998, we organized an independent commission to 
answer the arguments of BAV and to warn the public about the pseudoscience 
of Islamic scientific creationists. The short-term goals of the commission 
were to:

1) Publish declarations about the scientific facts to the public in response 
to the activities of BAV;
2) Gather support from scientists in Turkish universities;
3) Write and/or translate books about evolution and inform the public, as 
well as other scientists, about current scientific information;
4) Contact other centers, foundations, and scientific institutions, 
especially in the US and Europe, that are also defending science and 
evolution against scientific creationists;
5) Publish and distribute answers to the arguments of the Islamic 
creationists and their pseudoscience; and
6) Inform governmental agencies, universities, schools, and the mass media 
about the danger of Islamic creationists and their pseudoscience.

This commission made 2 declarations to the public about Islamic scientific 
creationists in October 1998 and January 1999. In addition, more than 2000 
university professors and scientists, along with TUBA and TUBITAK, signed 
and supported the first declaration. A similar commission had already been 
formed by TUBA, which also issued a separate declaration in the summer of 
1998 defending science and evolution (TUBA 1999; for TUBA's declaration, 
connect to ).

When BAV realized that scientists and scientific organizations were publicly 
opposing its campaign, it responded by trying to intimidate the members of 
our commission and TUBA, accusing them of being communists, Maoists, 
atheists, and separatists. Each issue of the BAV bulletin was distributed by 
mail and by fax to 11 793 addresses, including the high courts of the state, 
the attorney general's office, district attorneys' offices, governorships, 
army headquarters, police headquarters, and various government offices. 
Furthermore, BAV included photographs of some of the scientists and 
described them as Maoists. The addresses and names of 6 members of the 
commission were published in the militant fundamentalist daily newspaper 
Akit (December 2, 1999). Akit published the names and photographs of some of 
the scientists from the commission (Aykut Kence, Isik Bökesoy) who were 
giving public lectures on evolution, accusing them of spreading propaganda 
and atheism.

However, BAV's intimidation tactics did not succeed. Academics and 
researchers in universities and scientific organizations were galvanized 
into action by BAV's tactics. Some of the authors of the declaration, 
Professor Aykut Kence, Professor Yaman Ors, Professor Isik Bokesoy, 
Professor Dincer Gülen, Dr Umit Sayin, and Dr Serhat Ozyar, whose names were 
particularly targeted in the BAV announcements, filed a complaint in the 3rd 
Civil Court of Ankara against BAV over its accusations. In May 1999, the 
court ruled against BAV and ordered it to pay the equivalent of $6000 to the 
scientists for damages (Cumhuriyet, June 25, 1999; for the English 
translation of this news, see ).

Islamic Scientific Creationism and its Christian Allies
Even though they are using arguments that ICR has developed and passed on to 
them, Islamic creationists usually adapt ICR's arguments to fit their view 
of Islam or construct their own arguments to meet their own objectives for 
defeating evolution. So the Islamic creationism of BAV is not merely a 
carbon copy of ICR's creationism; it has its own style and format.

Part of the difference between ICR's and BAV's versions of creationism 
relate to their different scriptural bases. The flexible and interpretable 
text in the Qur'an allows BAV to avoid the issue of the date of creation. In 
contrast to some of the ICR's positions, BAV asserts that the Qur'an does 
not give any date for creation and that the Flood may have been a local, 
rather than a worldwide, event.

Here are some examples of the basic ideas defended in Harun Yahya's books, 
which were also featured in the nationwide conferences (Harun Yahya 1997, 
1998a, 1998b, 1998c). There are several points of departure from the 
creation model commonly promoted by the ICR.

1) Earth and life on earth were created by Allah all at once. There is no 
evolutionary process. No species has ever evolved into another species. Life 
was probably created on earth during the Cambrian Explosion.
2) The Qur'an is the best of the religious scriptures, so it does not make 
mistakes as do the other sacred books, such as estimating the earth's age as 
10 000 years or asserting the occurrence of a worldwide Flood. The Qur'an is 
the ultimate scientific truth. Nothing can contradict the Qur'an.
3) Matter is an illusion of the mind. In truth, only mind exists; matter 
does not! The outside world is the illusion of the mind, and mind transforms 
and determines the reality. (However, they try to use data obtained from 
that illusory world to prove that evolutionists are making mistakes!)
4) Evolution is the greatest hoax of all centuries. All the scientific data 
collected during the last 150 years disprove evolution. All the scientific 
data prove that, from DNA to organisms, everything has a design and purpose, 
and that everything was created all at once. Science has proved that Allah 
exists and created the life on earth.
5) Darwinists' or evolutionists' tendency to defend evolution is 
ideological, rather than scientific. They probably defend it because of 
their communist, materialist, Satanist, or racist ideologies. People who 
defend evolution are mentally ill, because they continue to defend it 
against all scientific evidence.
6) Humans are created in the image of Allah, so we cannot have evolved from 
apes, which are subhuman animals. Science has not found a single clue that 
apes are relatives of Homo sapiens.
7) Modern secular systems are the traps and deceits of Satan. (They are not 
against science, they say, but they oppose secular modern science and its 
cooperation with Satan. They propose the way of the Qur'an and Sharia as the 
ultimate and ideal way. Their understanding and definition of science are 
very obscure, especially since they deny that matter exists!)
8) Evolution is not a fact, because it is not reported in the Qur'an. (When 
they do not have information or evidence to explain a phenomenon, they cite 
some surah of the Qur'an and refer to the Qur'an as a scientific source. 
When they oppose theistic evolutionists, they claim that Allah could have 
created evolution, if he had wanted to, but since this is not reported in 
the Qur'an, it cannot be a fact.)

Tactics and Pseudoscience of Islamic Creationists
BAV's tactics and strategies are also adapted from those used by ICR for 
decades. Most of the information, slides, figures, and ideas they use in 
their conferences resemble those long used in ICR presentations. A quick 
overview illustrates both the ICR heritage and the local adaptations in the 
BAV approach.

1) BAV uses pseudoreferences. The references they cite in their books and 
presentations usually support and defend evolution, but they take just one 
sentence that they think might seem to support their arguments and use it as 
their scientific reference. They claim that they can find scientific proof 
of creation in journals such as Discover, Scientific American, Nature, and 
Science, even though a cursory reading would show that these references 
support evolution, not creation. Because it is so difficult for Turkish 
readers to have access to these journals, however, most of Harun Yahya's 
arguments go unchallenged.
2) BAV never acknowledges the overwhelming weight of scientific research 
supporting evolution, but generally distort a single news item (for example, 
from a popular journal like Discover) to "prove" their conclusion. It does 
not discuss the fact that the rest of the article or other articles in the 
same issue of that journal defend and support evolution.
3) BAV first concludes that evolution is wrong and then tries to build up a 
whole system of "proofs". These proofs do not use any traditional logical 
and scientific methods to reach the scientific conclusions; instead, they 
cite the Qur'an as the ultimate (and also the scientific) truth. They even 
cite surahs as scientific references. Creation is an axiom, not a hypothesis 
to defend!
4) BAV rejects anything that opposes its ideology or that supports 
evolution. It does not accept any evidence that shows its proposals as 
unscientific. According to BAV, science is what proves the Qur'an - and 
BAV's interpretation of it.

These characteristics are consistent in approach and method with the ICR's 
version of creationism - selective citation, incomplete survey of 
appropriate literature, prior conviction that evolution must be wrong (and 
evil) with an emphasis on the scientific truth of scripture, and the 
conviction that "true" science must be concordant with scripture.

However, there are some significant differences between the approaches of 
these two groups. For the most part, Harun Yahya is not aiming for a 
sophisticated scientific presentation. Acting in Turkey, BAV does not face 
the difficulty of opposing a highly trained and prominent scientific 
community, as does the ICR in the US where some of the world's most 
sophisticated scientific knowledge is produced. BAV has not faced much 
resistance from the universities or scientific organizations until our 
recent campaign.

Islamic scientific creationism has become a threat not only to science but 
also to democracy and the secular system in Turkey. Unlike Christian 
creationism, it is a critical part of the rise of an extreme religious 
movement and has actively contributed to the decline of democratic reforms 
and progress in scholarship and research in the Turkish Republic. If groups 
like the BAV are unopposed by Turkish science organizations, universities, 
the government, and individual scientists, they will continue their 
propaganda unchecked. If they succeed in their efforts, they will influence 
not only the believers but also the rest of the society, since there is a 
very weak scientific foundation among the vast majority of the Turkish 
public. We must recognize the power of the BAV's appeal and take a page from 
the successful opposition to the ICR and its allies in the US. The only hope 
for Turkish science and society is a vigorous campaign to expose and oppose 
Islamic creationism in every forum throughout the country.

The authors would like to thank Dr Taner Edis for reading the manuscript and 
giving his valuable suggestions. A version of this article can also accessed 
at .

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Umit Sayin is in the Department of Neurology in the School of Medicine at 
the University of Wisconsin, Madison; Aykut Kence is in the Department of 
Biology at the Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey. Both have 
long been active in promoting science and opposing creationism in Turkey. 

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