Thursday November 02 08:00 AM EST
Mideast hackers may strike U.S. sites, FBI warns

By Erich Luening, CNET

Middle East violence is fueling an online cyberwar as hackers from both sides of the 
conflict threaten government and business Web sites in the United States, according to 
the FBI and industry experts.

The FBI has warned that the recent email flooding and so-called denial-of-service 
attacks that shuttered and defaced both Israeli and Palestinian Web sites in the last 
month could "spill over" to the United States.

"Due to the credible threat of terrorist acts in the Middle East region, and the 
conduct of these Web attacks, (Internet users) should exercise increased vigilance to 
the possibility that U.S. government and private sector Web sites may become potential 
targets," said a recent advisory from the FBI's cybercrime unit, the National 
Infrastructure Protection Center.

Fairfax, Va.-based iDefense, which has been monitoring the cyberattacks by 
pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli groups, said the activity has paralleled the increase 
in tensions and violence on the ground.

At least 24 sites have been hit by pro-Palestinian attackers, and at least 15 sites 
have been hit by pro-Israeli attackers, according to iDefense.

"This is the first instance we have seen the traditional terrorist organizations, like 
Hezbollah and those with ties to (suspected terrorist Osama) bin Laden, have actually 
taken part in this type of activities," said Ben Venzke, director of intelligence 
production at iDefense. "These same organizations are disseminating messages to get 
funds for both terrorism and hacker campaigns.

"It is important to understand that any company that is perceived with having any ties 
or connections to Israel are going to be attacked," Venzke added.

Among those hit were the sites of the Bank of Israel, the Israeli Prime Minister, the 
Tel Aviv Exchange Market and the Israeli Foreign Ministry, Venzke said. Palestinian 
sites have included those of the Palestinian National Authority--the official 
Palestinian government body--and the Palestinian organization Hamas.

The cyberwar, dubbed "E-jihad" by pro-Palestinians, was sparked last month by the 
violence in Israel. More than 150 people, most of them Palestinian, have died in 
clashes over the past five weeks.

The FBI said the method of attacks against Israeli Web sites included automated email 
floods and high volumes of coordinated requests for Web services by pro-Palestinians. 
Some of the documented email attacks are believed to have involved customers of free 
Web-based email providers Yahoo and Hotmail.

Venzke could not give an exact profile of the typical hacker taking part in the 
current attacks, but he did say his company is aware of both sides having extensive 
recruitment campaigns at hacker conventions and on university campuses.

"In the near future, there will be a great number of people within these organizations 
with just technical training, separate from those with military training," he said.

There has been at least one threat by a pro-Palestinian hacker to carry out 
distributed denial-of-service attacks, iDefense said. Current actions by both sides 
run the full spectrum from system penetrations to more sophisticated tactics.

While the FBI said there have been no indications that any specific U.S. Web sites 
have been or will be targeted, iDefense warned that prime targets may include U.S. 
government agencies and private companies.

"In the event that either side more actively utilizes viruses or Trojan horses, it is 
unlikely that infections will remain confined to their intended targets and are likely 
to pose problems for users around the world," iDefense said. "Sympathetic hackers and 
others around the world are likely to begin offering their services and jumping into 
the fray as the high-profile nature of the conflict continues to grow."

The FBI has recommended certain security steps for government agencies and private 
businesses. Security officials should be prepared to take appropriate steps to prevent 
email flood attacks, block source email addresses in the event of a flooding, and 
ensure that appropriate patches are installed to operating systems to limit 
vulnerability to other denial-of-service attack methods.

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