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No evidence bin Laden tampered with Web - experts

SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Amid heightened concern about cyberterrorism, U.S. 
scientists said they have found no signs that Osama bin Laden and his al Qaeda network 
have used technology to hide secret messages on the Internet.

Computer science researchers at the University of Michigan said they had written a 
program to detect messages hidden inside of photos on the Web, but had come up 

``We've come up dry in our search,'' Peter Honeyman, scientific director of the 
University of Michigan's Center for Information Technology Integration, told Reuters 

The researchers scrutinized more than 2 million images from popular Web sites like 
eBay auctions since April or June. They began their search following a report in USA 
Today in February that cited unidentified U.S. officials and experts saying bin 
Laden's associates were using a masking method called ``steganography'' to hide secret 
messages on their activities inside innocent-looking photos on the Web.

Honeyman and graduate student Niels Provost used software that searches for images 
that appear to have been modified and that tries to guess the secret code needed to 
view the message -- if there is one.

Unlike encryption technology, which scrambles messages so they cannot be read and 
changes their appearance, steganography hides messages in a way that is not easy to 
detect. The researchers are now searching for steganographic use on the discussion 
forum known as Usenet, Provost said.

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