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   Alleged eBay hacker wants lawyer back

By Robert Lemos
Staff Writer, CNET News.com
January 23, 2002, 6:40 PM PT

SAN JOSE, Calif.--The case of the alleged eBay hacker took another plot twist 
Wednesday afternoon when the former Los Alamos National Laboratory employee asked to 
have his lawyer back just hours after dismissing her.
In the past week, Jerome T. Heckenkamp--accused of breaking into the computer network 
of eBay, Exodus Communications and other companies--has filed to put himself back into 
federal custody, asked to dismiss his attorney, noted cyber lawyer Jennifer Granick, 
and now has requested that she be allowed to represent him once more.

"We've had a change in circumstance again," U.S. District Court Judge Patricia V. 
Trumbull said dryly, when Heckenkamp, 22, returned to the front of the courtroom after 
a three-hour recess.

Standing in the U.S. District Court of Northern California in the orange and gray togs 
of the Santa Clara County Department of Corrections, Heckenkamp said he had decided 
that he could work with Granick after all.

"We can both play an active role in my case," he said. "If I can have an active role 
as I want, then we can work together."

Granick, the clinical director at Stanford University's Center for Internet and 
Society, wasn't present at the afternoon hearing, but said in an e-mail that she and 
Heckenkamp plan to work as a team.

"He realized that his lawyer will present his best defense more effectively than he'd 
be able to do alone," she said.

Heckenkamp has been charged with seven counts of accessing computers without 
authorization and eight counts of intercepting computer communications. The charges 
stem from intrusions by a hacker known as MagicFX into the networks at eBay, Exodus, 
Juniper, Lycos, E*Trade and Cygnus throughout 1999, according to an indictment filed 
in December 2000.

The indictment claims that Heckenkamp is MagicFX.

In addition to the 15 charges, the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Northern District of 
California charged Heckenkamp with witness tampering. Heckenkamp has also been 
indicted by the U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern District of California in San 
Diego on 10 additional charges of computer intrusion.

The separate charges in two venues has complicated Heckenkamp's defense. The $50,000 
bail posted by a friend covers his release in both venues, but even if Heckenkamp gets 
Judge Trumbull's release of the money, he will have to repeat the efforts in San Diego 
as well.

Heckenkamp's change of mind derailed his efforts to talk his way to freedom without 
bail. The arguments on the issue, slated for that afternoon, got pushed back to the 
next morning, when his reinstated attorney could once again be present.

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