C y b e r M a c @ E x M a c h i n a ( M a i l i n g   L i s t )
<http://www.cybercafe21.net> & <http://www.cybercafe21.tv>

on 8/28/01 12:00, deus at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> je  cherche un logiciel (mc évidemment permettant de downloader en ftp
> et surtout permettant de reprendre un téléchargement arrêté

Pour ma part, et comme l'a suggéré également Philippe, Monica est ZE

Monica, the Mac download manager:
€   Uses FTP, HTTP and Hotline protocols to download your favorite free
stuff (free mp3s, music, games, screensavers, clipart, maps and more!)
€    Is a great time saver for people who download many or large files from
the internet 
€    Allows you to either create a download queue of many files or download
one file at a time.
€    Automatically retries if the server connection is dropped
€   Automatically restarts downloads without losing what you already have

Y'a même une version ß pour MacOS X.
Pour rappel: http://www.ziggy.speedhost.com/bdmonica.html


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