From:   "Richard Loweth", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I can recall that all police vehicles in London having
distinctive numbers painted on the outside. Why? As the
direct result of an incident in which a man was assaulted
by police officers in a vehicle. He could not identify the
vehicle and the crews of other vehicles refused to
co-operate with the subsequent enquiry to try, by a
process of elimination, to ascertain which vehicle and
which crew it was.
I also read that CCTV is now helping prove assaults on
members of the public by police officers where, previously,
the officers and their colleagues would have claimed it
was a response to an "attack" by the third party.
The police should remember that they are SERVANTS of
the public and also that this country is not a colony. For
it is often said that England is Britain's "last colony"
and that the policing methods we now increasingly
see used on us seem to reflect this.
No one on this board is "anti-police" they are just not
prepared to accept an increasing attitude of "us and
them" which ranges from being merely impolite through
insulting to the actual infliction of unprovoked physical

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