I am familiar with ECHR, and probably more so than most.
Nuremberg has no relevance to ECHR. It was not an ECHR
ruling and never will be.
To repeat myself, it is grossly insulting to refer to
ordinary police officers in the same breath as Nuremberg.
There can be absolutely no comparison at all. Your point
is irrelevant and spurious.

ECHR is totally different. If things are going to be the
way you say, which they arent and dont kid yourself either,
then dont you think that the politicians should be taking
the responsibility on which laws are enforceable and which
arent? Is it right to leave it up to what amounts to
the opinions of individuals? Some of the correspondents
here think that we shouldnt be allowed to have opinions!
What exactly do you think should happen?
If they dont do something, then the entire police service in
the UK will be behind bars. Well, no they wont, because who
would arrest them? The army? What about the human rights of
the police? or arent we allowed any?
silly, isnt it.
It is not irrelevant and spurious, the findings of the
Nuremberg trials were under international law, and that
is binding upon the UK, at least that has always been
my understanding.  The ECHR is just a different international
law, that is all.

And if you seriously think you are not going to get lawyered
to pieces for violating the civil rights of an individual,
regardless of what the law says, you are going to be mighty
surprised, is all I can say.

Look what the lawyers for a small-time criminal named
Miranda managed to accomplish in the US.  The Home Office
hasn't allocated L65 million to the courts for civil rights
cases under the Human Rights Act for fun and games.

Remember that the police do not enforce the law, the courts
enforce the law, the police merely arrest and charge people
they think have violated it.  There is no obligation for
the police to lift a finger if they see a crime being
committed.  They have total discretion in law.  That is
why you cannot sue the police for failing to come to
your aid.

Therefore if the police want to completely ignore a
particular law, they can.  Jack Straw has recently been
moaning at length that the police appear to have largely
ignored various parts of his anti-crime package, but at
the end of the day there is nothing he can do about it.
(Other than to cut funding, and even that is harder

Of course all this is largely removed from the mountain
of bureaucratic paper-shuffling I see police officers
doing, but I wonder how many police officers are aware
of which foot the shoe is on.


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