From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The speed camera decision is being appealed apparently.

Rememeber this case is not necessarily about speed cameras
it is about the wording of the 'Notice of Intended Prosecution'.
This means that the police may have to persue the vehicle and
detain the driver to gain a prosecution or conviction for any
road traffic offence.  Who's up for more police chases through
urban areas at stupid speeds?  Dukes of Hazard style police
chases where you can't prosecute them unless you catch them?

Speed cameras are intrusive and I firmly believe they are being
used as a source of revenue.  Several in the Cardiff area are
sited to cover the areas just after a major junction (and moving
away from it)  where there is a dual carriageway that had a 60
MPH speed limit only a few hundred yards away.  Such cameras
apparently add little to road safety and a lot to the Chancellors


No-one says the police have to pursue the speeder.  What annoys
me about the whole thing is this obsession with speeding.  There
are a million other unsafe things that can be done with a vehicle
that are just as big a threat to public safety but I don't see
national campaigns to do with them.  How about the "parking
on double yellow lines at a major junction" camera, or the
"doing a U turn in an unsafe place" camera, or any of the
other zillion unsafe practices I see people doing every day?

I know they do have traffic cameras at major junctions but
there is nowhere near the focus on other offences that there
is on speeding.


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