From:   "pendrous", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

By Terry Pendrous,
                                 Yes, I am sure your right
Steve. More than a few Labour MP's will be shown the door
next year. What worries me are the alternative. I for one
will never forget those treacherous so and so's in the TORY
party either. The Liberals are all things to all, until
they get a taste of power, and only then does one find out
what they are about. Like I said before, doesn't leave much
else does it, for also one must NEVER forget that
bureaucratic machine that lurks behind all of them. How do
we get rid of them? for much of our woes can be attributed
to their efforts. All their protestations about doing the
bidding of the Politicians doesn't wash!!! especially the
Judiciary part of it. Hmmm sounds like a Party Political
Broadcast doesn't it? Sorry about that, but one must never
take ones eye off the ball, and those people have much to
answer for, and not just over our former sport.
The Liberals are doomed IMO, they have too closely
associated themselves with Labour so I suspect most
voters are thinking why not just vote for the real
thing or the real alternative?  I reckon they will lose
at least 50% of their seats at the next election.


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