From:   Peter H Jackson, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>My co-terminous certificates expire in 48 hours time.
>Unless you have a firearm certificate in force, or a Section 7 permit to
>possess, then your possession would be unlawful.  No ifs and buts,

BUT... the police have indicated that the certificate will be
renewed as from the date of expiry, so there will be no time at
which a certificate is not in force. As always, it would be
prudent to confirm this in writing.

Let's not get too worked up about this. The Dumfries & Galloway
police licensing department appears to have fallen somewhat
behind with renewals due to staff shortage and/or excessive zeal
in "implementing Cullen". In these circumstances, where a renewal
application was made in good time, the Chief Constable is not
about to try the patience of the local judiciary by sending a
report to the Procurator Fiscal alleging unlawful possession of
firearms and ammunition.

In these circumstances I would not bother to apply for a permit
unless for overseas travel, or some similar purpose. Where there
is a genuine need to jump the queue, D&G police have shown that
they will respond positively.

The above comments apply to Dumfries and Galloway where there is
a reasonable level of trust and goodwill between the firearms
licensing department and the large number (per capita) of
sporting gun owners. The more confrontational approach suggested
by Jonathan and others may be appropriate in England and in other
Scottish police areas.

I've got to disagree here, the Firearms Act 1968 says specifically
that you _must_ produce a certificate if a constable asks.  What
this basically means is that if you D&G are late, you cannot
go outside their area, because what is a copper in Strathclyde
going to think if you come up with the excuse that D&G are late?

D&G are the ones at fault, they are also not following the law
(backdated FACs?  Where in the Act does it allow that?)


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