From:   Dave Reay, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>I was told today that Herts are taking 6weeks for FAC renewal and 7weeks for
>a S7 permit(?).
>But I was also told that I would be covered provided that I had sent in my
>renewal forms.
>Well its only 7weeks to go til it expires, and counting.
My understanding of the Law is that if you do not have a valid ticket
then you are in illegal posession of firearms, and it does not matter a
bugger what anybody tells you. Excercise your right to anal protection,
and cover your arse, get your guns down to the nearest RFD and agree a
figure for storage until the renewal comes through. Many years ago I
found myself in the position of running out of time due to the "home
visit" not being conducted early enough, I had arranged with Steve Smith
RFD to store my guns until further notice and was actually in his shop
when my wife phoned to let me know that the polis had agreed that all
was in order and the ticket would be granted without further delay. I
explained all this to Steve and asked for my guns back, he told me to
p*** off as I did not have a valid FAC and he would be committing an
offence if he gave them back to me! Fair enough, when the FAC arrived
back I collected my possessions and Steve waived any fee, nice bloke.
The upshot is that the polis got a bollocking for causing me so much
hassle through his incompetance (happier days) and that was when Bailey
was Chief Constable!! Anyone from the North East can give many a tale
concerning Bailey, home visits for renewals long before they were
required and other obstructions that he put in place without the backing
of the Law. Was he a visionary? everything he did illegally is now Law,
but I doubt that even he would have banned handguns. Call me a cynic,
but I think this may be a Baileyesque way of removing one more shooter
from the scene while giving them the kudos of having caught someone in
"illegal possession" Anal protection, the only way to go! 
Dave Reay

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