From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>       Times 17.10.00
>       No bangs, no smoking guns: victims just fell and bled
>       ISRAELI snipers using specialised rifles fitted with
>silencers yesterday picked off high-profile Palestinian
>rioters in Ramallah in an apparent bid to "take out"
>       --snip--
>       By sunset, the toll across the West Bank was two
>dead - a boy of 13 and a policeman - a 14-year old boy
>described as clinically dead, and 69 wounded.
>       _____________________
>       Subsonic/heavy bullet fullbore or .22 rimfire?
>       Rusty
>Dunno.  A suppressed .223 seems the most likely, 22mm
>would be huge, although having said that it could be
>suppressed more easily as you could still have something
>very lethal that is subsonic.


        If the rounds they are using have been worked up
to make them subsonic after a certain distance, yet have a
suppressor to muffle the muzzle discharge, then they could
well be farther away than some think.
        However, to be working up close and personal,
that would seem to make the rounds subsonic with a good
noise suppressor.
        If, as J.S. Hatcher noted (Hatcher's Notebook) that
noise suppressors use with supersonic rounds are essentially
a waste of time -- since the bullet will defeat that, then there is
another set of factors here to be considered.

It does depend on how far away they were, the sound of the
gun going off might not carry that far.


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