From:   "jim.craig", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mmmm.   Wonder if this ties in with tales I've been
hearing that the British Army having been looking at 
extremely high powered pneumatic airguns as possible
riot control tools.   Seems the idea is to use a solid
rubber projectile of higher calibre than the usual
airgun pellets which are generally .177 or .22.   This,
it is said ,would inflict a painful and possibly
disabling injury from ranges out to 200 metres and with
modern airgun technology,and good scopes, be capable of
being delivered with considerable accuracy over that
kind of range.   They would be used from concealed
positions to the rear of the front line bods to pick
out 'leaders' or paarticularly active rioters and give
them a smart rap on a sensitive spot to discourage such
activities. It wouldn't carry the stigma of firearms
use and would be a deal more selective than the more
usual baton roundand I suppose that a more lethal
projectile could be substituted if absolutely
required.   i doubt if the Israelis have too many
concerns about the PR aspects though and suspect that
they would be more likely to go for a lethal option from
the outset.
There already is such a device, I've seen them in France.

It fires a rubber ball about 35mm in diameter with a slit
down one side.  It has a side-mounted magazine which holds
four or five rounds as I recall.


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