From:   RustyBullethole, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Talking of which I had one of the SAS team who killed the IRA scum in Gib
working for
>me a couple of weeks ago. No book coming out but nice to see old friends.

Not what you would consider illustrious company. The SAS have had a fine and
largely honourable history - apart from Gibraltar which I think they would
rather had not happened.

I'm surprised that anyone should want to make it known that he took part in
one of the most widely criticised and unsavoury acts commited by our side
during the so called troubles.
(for any subscribers in the US or elsewhere not familiar with the story, an
SAS team shot dead 3 unarmed  IRA members, including a woman, on a street in
Gibraltar in March 1988 - the government was eventually heavily criticised
by the European Court of Human Rights in 1995 )

Similarly if everyone who claims to have took part in the Iranian embasy
siege or "knows somebody who did" had been there at the same time they would
have not required any explosives, the bloody building would have collapsed
under the weight.


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