From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Why not? This is the electronic/
digital/wired age.What is the internet for?

        I certainly sounds okay on first look.
        But then, you neglect to consider the
implications of decisions made in the heat of
any particular moment. Very often, one or
another of the media outlets will conduct a
straw poll, asking loaded questions of people
who very likely have preconceived notions
about something, but have very little real
knowledge about it. It is those people that have
had their opinions 'given to them' by the very
media that is polling them. You see it all the
time with 'news stories' about 'x' percent of
a certain population wants 'y' to happen.
        Those very unscientific polls are used
by the most corrupt of people to make decisions,
especially decisions that were also based on their
preconceived notions.

        The possibilities for abuse here are
virtually limitless, in just this aspect alone.
        Better I think it is to limit the medium
to its present uses and abuses, than to open a
Pandora's box of irresponsible decision making.
        If a person can't take the time to get
up off their duff and traipse to a genuine polling
center, then how do you think they will make a
good decision sitting down?
        And while it is true that we can make
inroads in the fight to expose the truth about the
antis' real agendas, we should not use it in the
sense of the ultimate decision making tool.

        If, everybody in the world were as
contemplative as the many members of this and
other discussion lists, then perhaps the medium
would serve well as a means of exchanging ideas
as a precursor to its use as a polling device.
        But not until then.


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