From:   "Innocent", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Come on everyone - IG has made a rather good point here.
If our perception about the police is one-sided, and we
believe the police have the opposite view about us,
rather than keep having a pop about it, its time we took
the "fight"  to the  "enemy"  (sorry IG - but you know
what I mean)  and started meeting with these people so
that we can start changing their attitudes by
seeing that we are the reasonable sensible law-abiding
types we all claim to be.

At the same time we have the opportunity to demonstrate
the expertise that exists in the civilian world.

If we can influence the copper on the ground, especially
the young ones, we will lay the foundations for the future
as these youngsters move up the ranks. Just as we all
believe in training the young shots of today to become
the experts of tomorrow, so we can apply the same to the

It won't be easy, but the effort has got to be worthwhile
- if I lived in IG's part of the world (east anglia I
believe?)  I would take him up on his invite; I do
however have an offer from my local firearms enquiry
officer to visit his HQ  (Sussex)  and meet the licencing
people et al, and I am going to take him up on that - I
urge everyone to do likewise - remember the only ever
successful counter-terrorist campaign waged in the last
century was the by the British in Malaysia using the
"Hearts and Minds"  principle (also used in Vietnam by
their SF  till the Marines stepped in with their
generally subtle approach - not a criticism, just a
different philosophy!!).  The moral being that you win
people over by being friendly to them and educating
them in the way you want them to think - attack them
and you have lost them.

Open your minds; you might take three steps forward
and suffer four steps back, but keep at it and
eventually ground must be gained, after all, what
have we got to lose?


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