From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Your also forgetting the interest of the Inland Revenue,
Customs & Excise/VAT and the local authorities collecting
Business Rates.  Part time dealers are having a hard time
with all of them.

Shooting consumables are expensive in the UK and VAT
needs to be levied after you pass a threshold level of
business (not profit), this adds considerably to the
complexity and cost.

The Inland Revenue look at the throughput of a dealer,
especiallya part time dealer and assume commercial rates
of mark up to cover cost.  In most cases a part time
dealer couldn't even thing of charging that level of
mark up if they wanted any trade at all but try convincing
the Inland Revenue of that.  

Local councils and the Business Rates can be even worse,
if you deal from home the modifications to your house can
be considerable and then the local rates department truns
up and says you house is partially used for business and
business rates are payable - remember you have to pay the
rates while you appeal that decision (most of the time).

I'm not a dealer but have more than one friend or
acquaintance who has tried it an barely broken even at
best.  Most of the ones I know'knew were/are in the game
to provide a service to a club, small group of friends or
an association/squad, some arer even making a running loss.



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