271318 OCT 10

By Damien Brook, PA News

Two men who killed a nightclubber in a Christmas Day "execution" because they 
believed he had killed a friend of theirs were jailed for life today.

Ex-soldier Jason Hill died when he was shot in the back of the head from just 
inches by James Goodman, 23.

Immediately after the shooting, Goodman passed the murder weapon to his 
accomplice, Shane Heskey, 28, a jury at Nottingham Crown Court had heard.

Sentencing the pair, Mr Justice Crane, said: "I have no doubt that what gave 
rise to the decision to kill Mr Hill was the belief that he had killed a 
friend of yours, Eugene Hinds."

The jury took just over three and a half hours to convict both men of murder.

Goodman was also found guilty of the attempted murder of another man at the 
Eden nightclub in Leicester, where Mr Hill was killed.

Both men had denied the charges.

The court had heard how the 7.62mm bullet which killed Mr Hill had exited 
from his face and struck bystander Karlton (Correct) Mills in the stomach.

Mr Mills suffered internal bleeding and the bullet recovered from him was 
later used as evidence against Goodman and Heskey.

Goodman, of Beaumont Leys, Leicester, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for 
the attempted murder, the term to run concurrently with his life sentence.

During the two-week trial the jury heard how Goodman and Heskey, of Filbert 
Street East, Leicester, both believed Mr Hill had killed their friend in 1995.

Mr Hill was acquitted of the murder at Nottingham Crown Court in 1996.

But, the court heard, in the early hours of Christmas Day, Hill was at the 
Eden Club and, witnesses said, was being aggressive.

Shortly before 4am a single shot was fired. Goodman and Heskey were then seen 
on closed circuit television cameras walking through the deserted city.

The prosecution claimed Goodman could be seen handling a gun which Heskey had 
carried out of the club following the shooting.

When today's verdicts were read out there were cries from the public gallery 
from friends and family of the convicted men.



271649 OCT 10

By Shenai Raif, PA News

A masked burglar who shot and nearly killed a pregnant woman was today jailed 
for 12 years at the Old Bailey.

Lauren Page, 22, survived after undergoing three emergency operations and 
gave birth prematurely to a baby girl the next day.

But she lost her spleen and will have to live for the rest of her life with 
the bullet lodged in her abdomen.

As smiling Danny Palmer was lead out of the dock, he turned to Miss Page, 
mouthed a threat and motioned shooting a gun to his head.

She fled the court in tears with her mother and left without commenting.

Palmer, of Wanstead, east London, had pleaded guilty to wounding Miss Page on 
June 8 this year at her home in Gants Hill, east London, aggravated burglary 
and having a firearm.

Mr Justice Jackson jailed him for 12 years on each offence, to be served 

Kenneth Pantling

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