From:   "John Hurst", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The police do not have a right of entry, they have to have
>a warrant (except under some very limited circumstances).

          I like the following quote about this;

          "I now deal with a species of law known as the common law. Common
law is law that comes from the common people, vers, legislation, which,
comes from the "experts."

It took a long time to learn the true nature and office of governments; to
discover and secure the principles commonly indicated by such terms as
'Magna Carta,' the 'Bill of Rights,' 'Habeas Corpus,' and the 'Right of
trial by jury;' to found the family home, with its laws of social order,
regulating the rights and duties of each member of it, so that the music at
the domestic hearth might flow on without discord; the household gods so
securely planted that 'Though the wind and the rain might enter, the king
could not'.

It took a long time to learn that war was a foolish and cruel method of
settling international differences as compared with arbitration; to learn
that piracy was less profitable than a liberal commerce; that unpaid labour
was not as good as well-requited toil; that a splenetic old woman, falling
into trances and shrieking prophecies, was a fit subject for the asylum
rather than to be burned as a witch.

It took a long, long time after the art of printing had been perfected
before we learned the priceless value, the sovereign dignity and usefulness
of a free press.

But these lessons have been taught and learned; taught for the most part by
the prophets of our race, men living in advance of their age, and understood
only by the succeeding generations. But you have the inheritance".

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