From:   Jeremy Peter Howells, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Come on we probably all know or have met people we don't
like or don't particularly trust who hold FACs or SGCs.

They may have a clean criminal record and no known mental
failings but theres something about them we are not happy

On the other hand having been a police officer there were
other officers whom I didn't like, didn't trust and had
my suspicions of (but no evidence).  The police must not
only be whiter than white but must be seen to be so, that
is how it had been for many years.

Unfortunately in recent decades this image has been
tarnished by such things as the Operation Countryman
anti-corruption investigations in the Metropolitan
Police (and several since), the fiasco with the West
Midlands Regional Crime Squad and various miscarriages
of justice.  

The average policeman is probably as honest as they
always were but there are always going to be some bad
apples in the barrel, they tarnish the rest though.  This
isn't helped by the police tendency to let suspect
officers retire early on good pensions rather than
prosecute them or make them face disciplinary action,
even if obtaining a conciction would be suspect and they
just want them out.


I have to say I can't recall any SGC or FAC holders that
worried me to the extent that I thought they were
dangerous.  Some of them are a bit strange in their own
way, but I suppose we would come across as being a bit
strange to your average punter.  I can think of some
RFDs who struck me as being dodgy though, literally all
of whom are either now out of business, in prison, or
currently facing prosecution.


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