<< rambo wannabes who fulfill their fantasies with fully
 autos,  >>
Well done mate. Through your own ignorance you have just condemned the people 
who like to shoot practical rifle. Because of the laws in this country it is 
somewhat restricted. Are you suggesting that practical shooters should not 
have an F.A.C? They are as entitled as you are to have their own shooting 
disciplines (as long as they are within the current law)
And being that fully autos have been banned since 1920 something you 5% must 
be less. 
We have enough people trying to stop us shooting already! Steve did warn that 
anti shooters read this web sight. Are you one?! 
Full-autos have been banned since 1936.  Or actually 1989, if you
mean burst-fire firearms.

I cannot understand at all why anyone would have a problem
with practical rifle, AR-15s, L98A1s and all.  They might
look meaner but they're not even semi-automatic and I reckon
your average Lee-Enfield could put out a higher rate of fire.

When was the last time a crime was committed in this country with
a centrefire rifle?  You can count them on the fingers of one
hand for any given year.

I think it's totally barmy for ACPO to whinge on about straight-
pull AR-15s because the net result if they're banned is that
people will go out and buy an ordinary bolt-action rifle that
is equally as dangerous.  I'm hard pressed to think of how
a distinction could even be drawn between them, which is
probably the real danger as how can you ban a bolt-action
AR-15 and not a bolt-action Remington 700?

The L98A1 was expressly designed to be a Section 1 firearm,
making those Section 5 would require Section 5 authority
for a lot of schools, as they were designed for cadets!


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