From:   Norman Bassett, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This was just forwarded to me by the people who are
preparing the entire 1996 Cullen Inquiry for the web,
the evidence of Grace Jones Ogilvie, a neighbour of
Thomas Hamilton. 

"STV" is Scottish Television - the visitor gave
evidence at the Inquiry. Note the regular "police
visitor" and the "smell of burning Bakelite" from the

Norman Bassett


EXAMINED BY MR. BONOMY: Are you a retired shop
assistant? - Yes. 

And I think that you live at 11 Kent Road in Stirling?
- Yes. 

Now, that would make you a neighbour of Thomas
Hamilton? - Yes. 

Can you tell us the relationship between the two
houses, how close they were? - 1, 2, 3 and 4 and that
is me and that was Mr. Hamilton. 

So he was bottom left and you are top right? - Top

When did he first move to that address roughly? - I
think it may be seven or eight years ago. I'm not too

But you were already there? - I was there, yes. 

And at that time were what you would understand to be
his mother and father also in the house? - Yes. 

The lady who was known as his sister but was actually
his mother, was she there as well? - No, she didn't
stay there. 

Did you ever see her? - Yes, I did see her. 

How frequently was she a visitor initially? - I would
have said maybe once a week. 

When did you find out the true relationship of the
members of the family? - After this incident happened.

Now, I think Mrs. Hamilton, senior died about/ 
about a couple of years after the family moved to 
7 Kent Road? - I think so, yes. 

And were you then aware of Mr. Hamilton, senior moving
out? - No, I didn't know he had moved out but I was
told later. 

And were you aware then that Thomas Hamilton was
living in the house on his own? - Well, when I had
been told, yes. 

Roughly when was that? When did you know that? - Well,
I would say maybe about five or six years ago. 

Now, during the intervening period until now, or until
the 13th of March, were there many visitors to the
house? - Yes. 

Can you tell me something of who these visitors were?
- Well, mostly STV. 

That is an STV van or car? - Yes, a car. 

A car with STV on it? - Yes. 

And this is a private visitor as you would understand
it who happened to have such a car? - Yes. The police.

How frequently were the police there? - Well, maybe
once or twice a month but quite often the police car
was down. 

Anyone else? - There was a landscape gardener came. 

What was his name? - James Gillespie. 

Did you know him? - No. 

How did you learn his name? - It was on his van.  

At any stage while Mr. Hamilton lived there did you
know anything of what he did for a living? - Well, I
did know that he did boys' camps. 

Is that all you ever knew of what he had actually/ 
actually done for a living? - Well, that's all I knew
about, yes. 

How did you know about the boys' camps? - He told me. 

How frequently did you have talks, conversations, with
him? - Not a lot but one or two conversations I had
with him. Out the back in the garden or on the road. 

If you met in the street would you acknowledge each
other? - If I was on the same side as him, yes, but if
I was on the other side, no. 

Would you stop in the street or would it be very
rarely you would actually have occasion to stop and
speak to him? - No, I wouldn't stop and speak to him. 

So that on the occasions when there was some
conversation between you, who was it that started the
conversaton off? - It was him and I nearly jumped out
of my skin. 

Can you remember the first time that happened? - Well,
if I was maybe out the back hanging out my washing, he
was there. I never heard him coming but he was there
and he would speak and I just got a fright and I would
talk but then I just left him. 

Did he ever do anything that you saw that either upset
you or caused you any anxiety? - Well, he didn't
really upset me but he asked me into his house and I
was caught unawares and I went into his house but I
was most uneasy. That sort of upsetting. 

Was it just one occasion you were inside the house? -
One occasion, yes. 

Apart from that, and I will come back to that in a
minute, there was not anything else you were aware of
going on in the area which caused you any concern? -
Just the way he went about. He was a sort of odd
character. The way he walked and spoke. 

Tell me something about the way he walked? - He sort
of crept. He was very head down and sort of crept

What about the way he spoke? - He was very proper and
soft spoken. 

He has been described as a slow, deliberate speaker? -

Was there any sign in the activity around his house
that he had an interest in boys' clubs? - Oh, yes. 

What were the signs? - Well, he used to get a van from
Central Region and he told me it was for camps on Loch
Lomondside or at Queen Victoria School and he used to
have big boards and he would take them down the back
and paint them white. That was for flooring at the
camps for the boys to sleep on. 

Did you learn anything about whether he charged very
much for these camps? - Yes. 

Did you learn that from him? - Yes, I did. 

What did he tell you about that? - ú70 or ú80 per

When you saw a van around the house, did you see boys
there as well? - Once. 

What age were they? - Well, I would have said between
maybe six and 10 years of age. 

What were they doing? - Well, they were in the van and
he would put in big rolls, bales, of toilet rolls and
washing up liquid but the boys would be in the van or
running round the van. They were never in his house. 

Tell me about the circumstances in which he invited
you into the house? - Well, I was coming home one
night round about 9 and he was at his front door
looking up towards Annfield and he had a sort of
telescopic thing in his hand and he was look at
Annfield through it and he saw me coming and he just
said "Mrs. Ogilvie, can I have a word?" and I said
"Well, what is it, Tommy?". "Just a minute" he said
and his front door was open and he didn't go to shut
it. He walked in in front of me and I walked in behind
him and into his sitting room and he asked me to sit
down. Well, I did sit down. 

Roughly when was this? - Well, it was the summer time.
I can't remember if it was last summer or the summer
before. It wasn't any earlier than that. 

When you sat down what happened? - He asked me to look
at a video. 

What was on the video? - Small boys. 

How long did it last? - Well, he fast-forwarded it and
stopped it and let it go for a bit and then he would
fast-forward it again and let it go for a good bit.
That is what he did all the time and he was very proud
because he said "These are my boys". That is what he
said. I sort of had my back to him and I was looking
out the window more often than I was looking at the

How long do you reckon it lasted, showing you this
video? - The bit that he showed me, well, I think
about 40 minutes. 

And can you tell me what you saw on the video? - Just
small boys. 

Doing what? - Well, they were walking along or maybe
running. I can't remember if they were jumping over a
wooden horse. I can't remember that but I think there
was one bit that there was that on it but I'm not too
sure. But they just seemed to be marching in lines,
the boys. 

Did they approach the camera at any stage? - Well,
they turned their head towards the camera. 

As they walked past the camera? - Yes. 

So they would come right up to it more or less and
look at it and walk past? - No, they were walking to
the camera, the video, they were walking but they were
never looking straight singly. It was just as if they
were in a line and they were photographed as they were
walking up. They didn't look straight into the video. 

Were there close-ups of their faces? - No, I would
have said maybe from the waist up. 

Did you actually see the boys from the top? - In one
or two parts, yes. 

How were they dressed? - They had very small shiny
bathing pants on. 

Colour? - Black. 

All of them? - Yes. 

Were they all dressed the same way? - Yes. 

Throughout the whole video? - Yes. 

Could you tell whether there was only one occasion
that was being filmed or there was more than one
occasion on the video? - I would have just said one

And so far as these boys were concerned, can you help
me about their ages? - Again I would have said seven
to ten years of age. 

Apart from the video did Mr. Hamilton show you
something else? - He did. 

What was that? - He didn't take it out and show me. It
was a box that was more or less at my feet. It was
like a box on a ship, an old box with rope handles. He
opened it and there was a lot of frames in it, picture
frames. There was no pictures I don't think but he
just opened it and he took out one picture of one boy
and said he was his favourite or his star pupil or
something to that effect but I just glanced at it
because I was uneasy. 


ll a.m. 

What was that boy wearing? - He was just from here up
-- bare skin. 

No clothing on his upper body? - No. 

What was it that you felt uneasy about? - I didn't
think I should have been looking at that video. I
wasn't really interested in the video. 

Apart from that, can you say whether there was
anything improper, apparently improper or indecent
about it? - I wouldn't say it was indecent, but I
didn't like it. I was just uncomfortable. 

Was there any what may be described as strange
activities you observed out in the back garden? - Beg

Did you observe any strange activities on Mr.
Hamilton's part out in your back garden area? - Yes,

How frequently? - Maybe twice a month. 

During what period? - About six months. 

When was that? - Prior to this incident. 

About six months ago? - Yes. 

How many times did you observe fires? - Altogether I
think I saw about a dozen. 

Did you see what Mr. Hamilton was burning? - No, I
didn't. I smelt it. 

What did you smell? - Well, when I lived at home with
my mother she had a knife -- well, it was a sort of
spatula -- and it was in the frying pan, and the
handle of the teapot was the same, and the gas was on,
and sometimes it would burn and you would smell it.
Well, it was that smell -- like Bakelite, because I
came through from my living room and I could smell it
in the hall and I would say, "That's him at that fire
again". I banged the windows to let him know I knew
because he was sitting in full view because there was
these security lights at the back and when someone
walks past they light. Well, he sat on a chair and
fuelled these fires. 

Can you say anything about what was being burned? -
No, I only saw boxes. 

Were they cardboard boxes? - Yes, it was egg boxes,
that size of box. 

Could you tell whether there was anything in the box?
- Oh, yes, there was stuff in it, yes. 

You are clear about that? - Yes. 

When you were in the house did you see any photographs
on the walls of his house? - Well, the first time I
saw photographs on his walls was his living room when
I went past the house and he put the light on, and I
saw them on the back wall, but when I went into his
house they had been taken off the living room and they
were in the front bedroom. The door was slightly ajar
when I went in and I saw them on the wall of the front

What were they pictures of? - Boys, small boys. 

What were they wearing? - Bathing pants. 

The same as the video? - The same as the video. 

When was the last time you saw Mr. Hamilton? - The
Friday before this incident. 

That would be the 8th March? - Yes. 

About what time? - 8 o'clock at night. 

Whereabouts did you see him? - Coming down my path to
go and visit a neighbour when he spoke -- I didn't see
him, but he was coming along the side of the hedge on
the main part of the road, and I said to him -- I got
a fright again because the hedge is quite high -- I
said, "Could you not whistle when you come?" and he
says, "Did I give you a fright?" and I said "Yes".
Well, I walked along the road with him and he was
talking about ghosts. 

Was he talking about where he had, talking about a
particular place when he was talking about ghosts? -

Whereabouts? - Upper Bridge Street, the big house, his
mother and father had a big house when he was small. 

Was he carrying anything? - Carrying anything, yes. 

What was he carrying? - Letters. He told me what he
was carrying. 

Did he tell you what the letters were for? - No. 

Did you see how many he had? - Well, I didn't actually
look at them. I saw them, there was quite a few, but I
mean, it could have been a book in an envelope. I
didn't really pay particular attention. 

What size of envelopes were they? - (Indicates 6

A square shape? - No, like that. 

6 inches long, about 3 or 4 inches deep? - 4 or 5. 

Apart from talking about ghosts, which you have told
us about, was there anything about his manner or his
appearance that appeared unusual on that last
occasion? - No, he was just the same. 

Anything unusual for him? - No, just his usual
creeping about. 

No cross-examination."

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