From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>>If you lawfully hold a firearm for, say, shooting deer, there is absolutely
>nothing wrong in using it for self defence in the home PROVIDED that:
>It is the minimum force required in the circumstances.
>It is proportional to the perception of the threat at the time.
>The full circumstances are such that it is reasonable.
>Let me state an example.......
>You come face to face with an intruder, who is armed with a knife and
>threatens you with it. You are able to reach your firearm, and in turn,
>threaten the intruder with it, who surrenders and is arrested by the police.
>(yes, your initial actions are an arrest, I know.)
>No problem.<
>Lets examine this scenario, under the presumption that if my firearms are
>kept to the conditions on my firearm certificate, which states on the
>certificate, in Para. 4(a) ;

        Steve, & Tim,

        Loved it Tim!

        Here's my choice scenario:

        Burglar breaks in making a considerable bit of noise.
        Home owner awakens and shouts: "Ho! I have firearms
securely locked away, and I am about to look for the keys! You
are forewarned to depart the premises!"
        The burglar, thusly warned, shouts back: Ha! Looser!
While you are rummaging around for those keys, I shall make
myself at home with some tea and crumpets!"
        Home owner fumbles interminably with the keys,
cussing loudly all the while, and finally manages to get one in
the first lock. He shouts "Yo! Scumbag, your time is short! I have
but one key to insert and twelve combination locks to twist,
and your butt will thence be mine!"
        The burglar, having feasted upon several tasty crumpets,
a few pots of tea, a leg of lamb, and some whiskey, manages the
following, with a half full mouth: " Yeah, sure, Ya Betcha!"
        The home owner is now in the home stretch, working
on the last combination, and yells out: "Time is short, scumbag!
I'm a-coming real soon!"
        The burglar, now fully sated upon food and drink,
and works rummaging through the house, yells: "That's what
you said an hour ago, turkey!"
        The home owner, finally manages to liberate a single
shot (only one legal now) shotgun, and runs down stairs to
accost the burglar only to find him in the arms of his wife, both
of whom seem totally oblivious to his presence.
        The home owner calls 999 (911 if you are in the US) and
is promptly arrested for employing intimidating tactics with a
firearm (we'll get around to quoting the appropriate law later).

=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=
=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*=
=*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*= =*=

Tea and crumpets?  Don't take up script writing!


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