<<<IG you are as socially inept as you are legally.>>>

Well well well.
What a comment form someone who uses the prehistoric American police concept
of justifiable use of a firearm. AOJ.
My God. That died a death in the 60's!
I still have an old black and white training film telling us all about this
Get up to date. Even Mr Ayoob doesn't use this old rubbish!

What you quote has got no bearing to UK law whatsoever. Full stop.
So I am afraid that you take over the legally inept mantle at once. Go stand
in a corner with a traffic cone on your head.

<<<If self defence is a non starter for you IG, give up your baton, gas,
and radio you wear out on patrol. When trouble comes for you, you'll be
empty handed and alone with no prospect of salvation. Then and only then you
might realise what being a victim is like and what everyone else out there
suffers for needlessly, because of cowards like you>>>

I do it as a profession, unlike some of the wannabe rambos, you included,
that post here. Whether you like it or not, you have no connection with law
enforcement in the UK, whereas it is my job. Whatever yours is, I wouldnt
presume to tell you how to do it.
I very much doubt, judging from what I have read, whether you would have the
moral or physical courage to walk to the corner shop without some artillery
or weaponry about your person.
I have the wounds and scars of numerous encounters with violence, all in the
course of protecting the rights of individuals like you, that spout a load
of crap about things that they know nothing about. Like police training. You
dont know what we do. I, however, do. Very easy lesson...dont talk crap
about things you know nowt about.

How dare you have the unmitigated temerity to call me a coward. You dont
know me. I personally don't know you and am thankful for that privilege.

You are a prime and classic example of why we should have gun control. You
are yet another Americanophile, incapable of seeing the reality of life in
the UK. Go live there. It would suit you.

I have never read such a rabid anti-police load of crap anywhere. For
someone to be so bitter, twisted and insecure cannot be healthy. All you do
is show your hatred of the police. You contribute nothing to anything with
your twisted logic and references to America. Do real shooters a favour and
take up stamp collecting. Or train spotting.

love and kisses

Any more flaming and you will both be taking up something other
than reading Cybershooters email messages.


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