From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>"MPs up and down the country have seen the damage these
>so-called sports weapons can do, and I am no different," the
>Houghton and Washington East MP said. "These are incredibly
>dangerous weapons."
>Mr Kemp added: "The Government has to think again to make
>sure something is done to keep these weapons out of the
>hands of children and thugs - and even to snatch back the
>ones that have already reached people who are unfit to own


        Steve, & Rusty,

        What's 'incredibly dangerous' are those <emotional>
        Also, falling into the incredibly stupid category, is that
'children and thugs' comment.
        On that level of thinking, apparently children and thugs
are the same kind of people. So, the rest of the people must suffer
for the irresponsible acts of children and thugs?
        Logically speaking (in the obtuse sense) all guns are misused
by "children and thugs"; therefore "children and thugs" misuse all
guns. Is it a problem with the guns, or a problem with the "children
and thugs"? Is it a problem with people or the "children and thugs"?
        If the people aren't a problem, then it cannot -- by pure
and untainted logic -- be a problem with the guns, since the people
and the gun are concurrent and not a problem.
        If the "children and thugs" are having a problem with guns,
then it follows -- logically speaking -- that because the people had no
problems, then it must be the "children and thugs", and not the guns.

        If I follow Kemp's line of thinking, it resolves to this:
        All guns are weapons, therefore all weapons are guns.
        That is the same as saying that all knives are weapons,
therefore all weapons are knives.
        Obviously, the two statements are irreconcilably exclusive.
        Either all weapons are knives or they are guns -- not both;
otherwise all knives would be guns, and therefore weapons.
        Hell, why not just lock-up all the children and thugs and
be done with the problem?
        But not all children are thugs, and not all thugs are children.
        If, by logical extension, not all children are thugs and not
all thugs are children, then any law which treats all the same must of
necessity by wrong. Therefore, there is no logical grouping of children
and thugs, no logical grouping of guns and weapons, or of knives and
        The only logical groupings that do exist, are -- in the case of
implements -- things that were <used> as weapons, and until they
are used as weapons, they are things that have NOT been used as such.
        Logical deduction:
        Ergo, just because one of a group of things is used as a weapon,
it does not follow <in any way> that all such items in that group are to be
classed as weapons.
        If that were not the case, then all men would be murders,
since all murderers have been men. Do we confine all men as being
        If such a thing is thought to be unreasonable, then it must also
be unreasonable to apply that faulty logic <anywhere else>.

        Then again, all rapists are men, therefore all men are
rapists. But there are also women who are rapists, therefore that
statement does not stand. Neither does it stand for any implement.

        Ultimately, it falls into the category of not wanting to 'get
real', and instead merely bury one's head in a hole somewhere (most
usually in that place 'where that ol' sun don't shine'), and hope that
by enacting <feel good laws> that were pursued by employing
faulty logic and crass emotionalism, the problem will just go the hell
away. By burying one's head, all other thoughts are muffled by your
own -- and whomever else's happens to be buried there with yours.
        The REAL problem is not wanting to GET TOUGH with the
miscreants. Can't have that now, can we? It might set a REAL example.

        But wait: Therein lay the rub: if elected's enact law based on
simple faulty logic & reason, and upon crass emotionalism, they are in
effect disregarding everyone else's thoughts (except the anointed), and
by merely speaking out, they in effect tell you just what it is they have
already concluded. They are telling you just what it is they are going to
do, ahead of time.
        Maybe you just need to tell them ahead of time that you are
going to work to remove them from office for being stupid on the
people's time & money! Let them be willfully stupid on their own time,
& money.

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