From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>The point I have tried to make, with a severe lack of success, is that some
>restrictions are necessary, unless you want the likes of Mr Kleasen and
>every other psycopathic criminal on the country wandering around tooled up
>to the eyeballs.
>Who would you rather make the decision on suitability?
>Are you in favour of a total lack of control?

        Steve, & IG,

        Butting in here (something I'm good at), allow me to
state that at the other end of the spectrum, some of us have
tried -- unsuccessfully -- to convince you of the fruitlessness of
most controls.
        Control works, when it is applied in the manner it was
intended to operate at: the citizen level.
        If the laws of carriage & possession are such that the
only persons deprived of a right are those who are under a legal
disability, then it is only them who are subject to the law, and
not everybody else.
        Therefore, if one is deprived by law from possession
and/or use, then it is only they whom the police and the forces
of government have the rightful authority to assess of a breach
of the law.
        What has been hinted at, plainly stated, over-stated,
and run into the ground, is that the laws as they currently stand
affect only those citizens (you know, the famous law abiding ones?),
who are willing to undergo the rigors of proving one as being
        The criminal will never obey the law. But you know
that. So, what good is a law that oppresses the lawful citizens,
makes them jump through hoops and endless waits, while the
criminal merely thumbs his nose at the law, and takes advantage
of the disarmed, lawful citizen?
        Where in heaven, or on earth, is the logic in that?
        You people already KNOW who the criminals are,
so why the heck are you torturing the law abiding citizens with
the mindless, and worthless nonsense that is your law?
        Every time you run a citizen through that wringer, you
already know what their status is. They have not broken any law
of consequence. So what is the real essence of what you do?
        How much clearer can this get?

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=*= Liberty: Live it . . . or lose it.  =*=
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