From:   James Walton, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I don't know if you saw the article in today's Mirror about a blind man in
the US being granted a CCW permit. I emailed the author and he responded
quite quickly (and patronisingly, I thought). I reproduce my email and his
response below:


Dear A Lines,

I read with interest your article in today's Mirror regarding the issue of a
firearms permit to a "blind" American man. I was rather disappointed by the
inaccurate nature of your reporting and I am writing to bring a few points
to your attention:

(1) Not all people designated "blind" have no vision at all. Many have a
degree of vision and some have enough to shoot accurately and safely.
Shooting and archery for the blind are safe, established sports in many
parts of the world.

(2) You state that 5,285 children were killed by gunfire in the US in 1998.
Although you do not give a source for this figure, I have heard numbers of
this magnitude quoted before and they are typically grossly inflated. In the
US the term "child" covers all people under 19 years old, and shooting
statistics inlude those killed in the pursuit of criminal activity such as
those shot in self defence or murdered in drug disputes. Although all
shootings are regretable, I suspect that most of the 5,285 children in
question are not innocent victims. The number of children killed or wounded
with guns BY ACCIDENT is closer to 1000 per year (source: Handgun Control

(3) You state that many Americans "mistakenly" believe that they have a
right to bear arms under the Second Amendment. This Amendment reads: "A well
regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right
of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." A number of
people have suggested that this refers to a national right to bear arms such
as the formation of state National Guards rather than an individual right.
This interpretation is INCORRECT. The "state's right" position has been
comprehensively demolished in a large number of court cases and legal
journals. The right to keep and bear arms is an INDIVIDUAL right in the
United States.
Yours sincerely,



Hi James 

Thanks for your email .... it was well-thought out and better than the usual

abuse I received !!!

To answer your points .... 

1) I am well aware that all people registered blind have no vision ... the 
issue is whether a man registered blind who had difficulty picking out a 
target at seven yards should be given a concealed gun licence.

2)You are absolutely right and shows the sheer absurdity and scandal of the 
gun situation in the US .... the fact that so many people have access to 
weapons lead to so many deaths.

3)You use the word "incorrect" .... this seems to sum up your argument !!!!

Are you a member of the NRA ????

Best wishes

Is the Mirror still considered a newspaper?


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