From:   "E.J. Totty", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>  > But Tony Banks(Lab, West Ham) who is against hunting, gave assurances that
>  > he, personally, would never ban angling. He said: "You don't hunt fish with
>  > dogs and if you are a decent angler you put the fish back. I am a coarse
>  > fisherman, as you would expect, and I don't think angling can be compared
>  > with fox hunting."
>If it's cruel to chase foxes with dogs, it must also be cruel to catch
>fish with hook and line, and for that matter to catch them in nets,
>leaving them to die a lingering death on the decks and workbenches of
>commercial fisheries vessels.

        Steve, & Pete,

        All of which neglects to consider that in order to survive,
humans are no different from their fellow creatures: They need to
eat to survive. This whole matter is stupidly proposing that humanity
is somehow a god, or maybe some kind of demigod.
        As I stated previously, attempting to elevate man above his
premise is sort of like asking a set of genes to invoke a newness from
which there is no possible ability. We are what we are, and it is sheer
effrontery for someone to presume we are better that what we are, like
asking a spider to spin her beholding web, but not to ensnare another
creature with it. If we were not meant to do what we do, then we most
assuredly would not be doing it: nature does not please itself with tasks
that have no purpose. The Creator does not, as Einstein said, roll dice.

        There are -- in the natural world of events -- no evil doers, just
survivors. Humans are no different. It is only the overly sensitive who
while evincing the ostentatious, pursue the mendacious, and demand
the ludicrous.
        Unnecessary cruelty is what we aspire to, but to pretend that
we can survive on nothing more than vegetation is sheer stupidity.
        We suffer this matter at the hands of people who have no
business voting, as they elect to public office the worst dregs of humanity,
who in turn denounce the most decent among us, and declare laws that
reflect no ounce of sense, but instead invoke sheer stupidity as the
manifest declaration of the most fanciful, and the least likely to solve
anything, except the eradication of humanity from the face of the earth.

        It needs to be said frequently, that these people hate themselves
more than they hate any of us: They cannot stand to comprehend the idea
that they are just plain human, with all the human frailties, physiological
dependencies, and plain old desires that come as a package of being plain
human, no matter the variety.
        That, my friends, is what we are up against.

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