From:   "david", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Well James, you may think that but I certainly don't.  Chris
Jacobs and I went to see our MP, Sir Ralph Howell (who has
now been replaced by the very supportive David Prior)almost
immediately after Dunblane before Labour had jumped on the
bandwagon.  You see we never believed in this dignified
silence crap. He said:

You should prepare yourself for swingeing new restictions.

I replied:

You mean it was not our fault, it will do no good but the
shooters are in for a good kicking anyway?

And his answer was:

You could put it that way, yes.


Steve's suggestion about treating candidates by view rather than party line
has much to commend it though I would offer a story that might be borne in

Like the shooters in the story above I also spoke to my MP, Sir Graham
Bright, then Vice Chairman of the Conservative Party who, standing in an
antichamber of the House of Commons, told me that the proposed ban was
useless, would achieve nothing and utterly pointless though he would not
vote against it as a senior member of the government. I mention this to
illustrate that the personal views of a MP or prospective MP will be subject
to change to suit their own personal situation not someone else's or indeed
their own, principles or beliefs.

My current MP (uncharitably described as a Blair babe) was in favour of the
ban which she told me of before the election, critical of Tony Blair's
electioneering using dead children, of his allowing Anne Pearston time on
the rostrum of the Labour Party Conference and of the promotion and
retirement on full pension of McMurdo.

She has also agreed to write a letter of support if needed in my attempt to
obtain a green card in order I may attempt to live and shoot in the United
States as a trusted member of society.

I'd like to think her views on shooting may have been tempered by the
intervening period of government and lobbying by others and myself.

I'd also like to think that when the candidates or their representives were
shown spoiled voting slips after the election as they must be, it might have
been noted that those of my own family and friends spoiled but marked to
show why were noted as being up for grabs. If not, nothing lost. Naturally I
shall be reminding the candidates to look out for similar messages this time


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