From:   "Andrew Chastney", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>Of course one thing that few people ever mention about controlling foxes is
>cage trapping. It is humane and very efficient.

Efficient maybe, but humane? I'm not sure I can agree with that.

It's the most natural thing in the world for any wild animal to run away
from danger.
They do it all the time. But there's nothing natural about being trapped in
a cage.
I would imagine the stress of being suddenly caged and unable to escape must
be quite considerable. A fox thus caught would have to endure this level of
stress for several hours. If caught early on a winter's night with the trap
not checked until daybreak it could conceivably be as long as 15 hours.

Compare this with a hunted fox. It is in it's own natural environment, doing
what comes perfectly naturally, simply running away from danger. I would
argue that the actual level of stress suffered by the hunted fox is
dramatically less than that suffered by the one caught in a cage trap.

Andrew Chastney

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