Proximity is the stumbling block we face with prosecuting McMurdo. Under
Scottish law only victims and their families of what happened can sue CSP
and McMurdo.

The only case we can bring against CSP directly is failing to licence
Hamilton in accordance with the European Weapons Directive. That is an
European Court of Justice matter that can only be brought by direct action
in the ECJ or by the European Parliament against the UK for failing in its
duties to administer the Weapons Directive.

As regards the ideal of getting any money from shooters - Earl you live in
wonderland. I struggled on income support while legally fighting the 1997
Act almost single handedly. Of all the people who gave I managed to raise
15,000 over the course of ten months all of which was spent in legal fees
and opinions. The majority of that came from UKPSA reserves. The only people
who actually gave anything were people on this list with a very few
exceptions. I even received two cheques from one chap who had one for the
fund and one for me personally with a post it note attached saying "Your
doing excellent work so heres a little something so you don't starve." if
there was ever a truism that was it.

The majority of shooters who got the 1997 Act deserved every bit of it. They
are tight fisted, mean apologists who discarded pistol shooting like an old
set of golf clubs. We have too many associations who won't talk to each
other they have useless PR and communicative skills. The organisations are
divisive, duplicitous and arrogant in the extreme in preserving their own
little empires.

Unless UK shooters can cohesively committ themselves to defending their
choice of gun ownership by every available avenue and with all their ability
we are doomed. That is why I pulled out of public campaigning in 1998 after
10 years of it so I didn't burn out.

Yes there are many things we can do about all of the situations that face us
but we need an annual budget of at least 1,000,000 to spend on a legal team
to do anything about it. Yes if everyone gave a pound that would be OK, but
they won't and they are too lazy to do anything themselves. The average UK
shooter is so used to abdicating responsibilty for everything its too much
of an effort to pay someone else to rock the boat.

How many people do you suppose subscribe to this list, bicker about a
particular subject ad nauseam and then do nothing about it. I'd venture its
close to 95%.

Best Regards
Guy Savage

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