From:   "John Hurst.", [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>What utter cobblers. My wife, a school teacher, comes home most nights
>to recount this sort of "I know what I can get away with, and what
>you've got to do" behaviour by pre-teenage urchins who deserve nothing
>more than a clip round the ear by their parents from time to time.

>Enough. Is it any wonder we're no longer a world power?

        I am afraid that I have little sympathy for the leaders of teachers
Unions who have agitated for corporal punishment to be abolished and now
complain that they can no longer control their charges. The National
Curriculum has not helped either.

The right to use force to discipline children is part of the common law. So
is the traditional clip round the ear by a PC. It was regarded as a means of
case disposal for minor matters which were not suitable to take to Court.
This was confirmed in the Metropolitan Police Guide (Manual) for 1939 and as
far as I can make out has not been infringed.

Regards, John Hurst.

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