1. I had to put some variables in quotes, otherwise you get problems
with "if [ ... ]" when the variable is not set. E.g without SIG=1

2. text=... is set, but never used.
text is used in sigfile() to print which file must be signed:

      echo "$text signature need to be updated"; \

3. sig has to be sigfile.
Actually that is a refuse from a past version, it is needed no more: anyway signing was not possible after patch creation so I actually added sigfile() directly inside the spkg code, enabled by the SIG env var.
The new "sigfile()" can do nothing without at least a $name (and possibly a $text) to work with.

See the attached diff for more details. ( I don't want to change
your code, but that were the lines that I changed in my gnupg-1.2.1-1.sh
file. )
Thanks for the comments =)

Lapo 'Raist' Luchini
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (PGP & X.509 keys available)
http://www.lapo.it (ICQ UIN: 529796)

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