Max Bowsher wrote:

Problem: If it was Cygwin, it couldn't use any other Cygwin dll - like
cygpopt-0.dll (it might need to rebase them).
That's easy -- link statically.  I provide both .dll.a and .a for libpopt.

It's somewhat an unanswered question whether rebasing cygwin1.dll is

IMO, we already have strace & cygcheck that don't do Cygwin paths. It might
be better to get rebase in as is, and think about this as a possible long
term enhancement (you know, that lightweight path translation library
mentioned as a possibility in the setup TODO).
Yep. I'd rather get it in, than worry about cygwin-vs-mingw issues. How about a simple shell script 'rebase-cyg'? Psuedo-code (probably needs lots of work, especially in quoting):

for arg in "$@"
case $arg in
-*) optargs="$optargs $arg" ;;
*) fileargs="$fileargs $arg" ;;
for arg in $fileargs
nativearg=`cygpath -l -m "$arg"`
newfileargs="$newfileargs $nativearg"
exec rebase $optargs $newfileargs

Or you might get really fancy and use bash's internal getopt functions to parse out the cmdline flags.

BTW, popt compiles under mingw; if you (a) always want a static link, and (b) want your rebase to work in both mingw and cygwin "modes", then you probably should snarf the popt code into your codebase, and build it as a "static convenience library" with your project. That way, if you're building in mingw "mode" you know that libpopt-convenience.a is mingw. Ditto cygwin "mode".


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