On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 07:51, John Morrison wrote:

> > I'm waiting to hear back from Max as to whether he intends to offer a
> > patch (and if so, when & to do what) for the local cache MD5 checks, but
> > AFAIK thats the only current delay.
> I also would like to be able to switch off the local cache md5sums,
> most of my co-workers do a 'local' install from a shared directory
> (*very* restrictive firewall at work).

That shouldn't prevent you using a local mirror though. Does it prevent
you using a local mirror?

> HOWEVER, I'm not against releasing setup as stands (it has far
> too many improvements) if a release with a fix for this was OK'd
> fairly soon after a patch (commandline off switch?) was checked
> in.

Well, a command line 'off' switch will do the job. It will require
conscious decision.. yep, I'm happy with that.

It can go in the next release, which currently has:
* post install logging
* Pierre's new security updates
* New icon sizes
* resizable chooser (? if we get the split out patches in the next week
or so)

slated for it.


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