On Sat, 2003-04-05 at 08:37, Max Bowsher wrote:

> > Well, a command line 'off' switch will do the job. It will require
> > conscious decision.. yep, I'm happy with that.
> >
> > It can go in the next release, which currently has:
> > * post install logging
> > * Pierre's new security updates
>     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> No, they haven't been committed yet. Check "cvs diff -r2.340 -rHEAD
> ChangeLog".

I know they haven't. We haven't branched setup-200304 yet either, which
(hopefully) the next release will be.

> > * New icon sizes
> > * resizable chooser (? if we get the split out patches in the next week
> > or so)
> Not resizable. Just bigger.
> And on that timescale, I can do the md5-on-install-not-on-cachescan thing.

Ok, so you are ok then with the current snapshot being released. Cool...

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