On Sun, 2003-04-06 at 01:46, Gary R. Van Sickle wrote:

> It's a GUID, it's supposed to by ugly.  Guaranteed to be unique, not going to
> collide with anything ever.  That's how MS's "AppWizard" does it, and it seems
> like a good idea to me.  Please Rob, if you're going to pick nits, pick on
> something that could possibly matter.  For me?  Please?

Sure. And this matters. If you don't change it before submitting, I'll
have to change it afterwards. Why should I add to my workload when a
simple request here should get it right the first time. This matters. 

SETUP_<FILENAME>_H is the preferred way.

(We're not a library, so the namespace is ours).

> > > c) (optional) It might be an idea to mention that no virtual methods are
> > > permitted in the class, and that no additional parents are allowed, as
> > > either would break binary interchangeability with the MS RECT class.
> >
> > Given that it is derived from RECT, I think RECTPP is a good name.
> I concur.

I've addressed this already, and in my reply to Max.

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