> Hello, all -
> I have noticed recently that Cygwin setup will prompt to disable a virus
> scanner on my machine. This is odd, because I do not have a virus scanner
> running.
> After looking in the code (setup/AntiVirus.cc from CVS, v2.5 Tue Jul 29
> 14:14:06 2003 UTC), and after looking in the log, I must conclude that the
> framework code is not using AntiVirusPage::wantsActivation() in the way
> this file expects.
> Here is a complete log when I ran setup until it showed the disable virus
> screen, and then hit cancel:
> 2003/10/01 14:39:20 Starting cygwin install, version 2.415
> 2003/10/01 14:39:20 Current Directory: C:\Documents and
> Documents\Cygwin
> 2003/10/01 14:39:20 Changing gid to Users
> 2003/10/01 14:39:20 Could not open service McShield for query, start and
> stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
> 2003/10/01 14:53:05 Ending cygwin install
> Note that detect() did in fact correctly determine that McAffe is not
> installed, so KnownAVIsPresent must be false, but the disable antivirus
> was displayed regardless.

I investigated, and it seems that the base class wantsActivation is always
being called. I don't know why, though.

Gary, would you be able to take a look at this?

Alternate reproduction: Choose "Download only". The "install directory" page
incorrectly appears.


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