----- Forwarded message from Doug Porter -----

From: Doug Porter
To: sourcemaster
Subject: Cygwin mirrors and installation
Date: Mon, 06 Oct 2003 15:17:08 -0500


I run archive.progeny.com, one of the Cygwin mirror sites.  Our
Cygwin mirror is heavily used; averaging around 140 GB per day.

I was amazed by the demand for Cygwin, at least until I saw how
mirrors were presented in the Cygwin installer.  They are listed
in alphabetical order and none of the locality information is
provided (putting us at the top of the list, and as the default
selection).  After talking to other administrators, I found
mirrors further down the list do far less Cygwin traffic.

Would the Cygwin people please look into fixing this?  The usage
is not creating a problem at the moment, but it does seem a
little silly for our mirror to carry so much of the load.  Thank

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