
Thank-you for the update and patch consideration, and sorry for the multiple
postings - I thought my patches kept getting rejected
[maybe some meanness ... :) ] since I did not hear back from anyone after
your initial review. However, I could not figure out why it may be rejected
I kept on re-submitting them in the hopes that I would get a response from
someone ... which I did, via the list,
when somebody (can't remember who) stated that they are back-logged on these

>> Alan, all 3 submissions from you are essentially the same.  I'm going to
>> go with the latest one (dated 20040109[3]).  What I said about ChangeLogs
>> above applies here too.

This statement is absolutely correct!


-----Original Message-----
From: Igor Pechtchanski
Sent: February 10, 2004 08:22
To: Yaakov Selkowitz
Cc: Lapo Luchini; Alan Miles
Subject: Re: Pending patches for generic build script


Thanks for the patch.  Some of it intersects with my and others' fixes (I
planned to integrate patches in chronological order), but most of it is
original and sounds very useful.  It's on my queue.  I'll use this message
as a sort of a ChangeLog -- please let me know if you'd rather construct
your own ChangeLog entries.

Since this is also going to cygwin-apps, and Cc'd to the other two
contributors, let me give a quick status update.  I've brought the
ChangeLog up to date and intend to document all the patches there as well
as in the CVS log.  Lapo and Alan (Miles) -- your patches are in my queue.

Lapo, I have two patches from you (one dated 20030830[1], the other
20040122[2]; with some minor differences even after whitespace cleanup) --
I assume you'd like me to apply the later one?  Should I use the
accompanying message for the ChangeLog?

Alan, all 3 submissions from you are essentially the same.  I'm going to
go with the latest one (dated 20040109[3]).  What I said about ChangeLogs
above applies here too.
P.S. Yaakov, I use vimdiff. :-D

[1] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2003-08/msg00323.html
[2] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2004-01/msg00177.html
[3] http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-apps/2004-01/msg00042.html

On Tue, 10 Feb 2004, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:

> Igor and rlc,
> Not sure which one (or both) of you is dealing with these, but I've got
> one of my own patches for the build script, attached here.
> To summarize and explain:
> * provides variables for multiple binary packages, meaning that only the
> 'pkg' section has to be modified when this is necessary
> * adds functions 'reconf' and 'reinstall', mainly for package makers
> using the script to drive the initial build process, when they realize
> that changes need to be made and want to get a clean conf or install
> * automatic gzip-ing of man files (I just added this one recently,
> haven't tested it too much yet)
> * /etc/postinstall created only if there's a postinstall.sh
> * slightly modified 'list' output, which indents two spaces and prints
> the leading slash, for use in the Cygwin README
> * adds function 'depend' (straight from Igor); it would be nice to have
> this indented two spaces, like for 'list', but I haven't done that yet
> * adds options to call existing functions: 'configure' calls 'conf',
> 'make' calls 'build' (a typo I've made more than enough times :-),
> 'test' calls 'check'.
> * adds option 'first' (never figured out what else to call it), which
> calls 'mkdirs' 'spkg' and 'finish'.  I use it for patching the src tree
> and creating the -src tarball, which afterwards I call 'all' to build
> the binary package in one step.
> * some cleanup of "&& \" instead of "; \", and other code cleanup.
> I know you have a lot of patches to look at now, but there are a few
> things here which have been very helpful to me, so I wanted to share
> them while the topic is pending.
> BTW--and I hope this isn't OT--if you have Qt3 installed from the
> KDE-Cygwin project, then you might want to try my port of xxdiff,
> available from my sf.net project site:
> Drop me a note (offlist of course) if you have any comments on xxdiff.
> Thanks for your work!
> Yaakov


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