>Yes, someone did. I have no problem with moving to a new installer

interface but, given the current level of development, I don't see who's
going to do the work. If we don't have a volunteer available to
do the work of adapting NSIS but we do have volunteers available to
keep setup.exe working then it's really a moot point.

Has moving to one of the existing linux packaging systems been considered? This would I think require changing cygwin so first you download a minimum package that just includes cygwin, the installer, and the basic utilties and then we used an existing packaging system.

I'm sure this has been suggested before, but is it considered bad because it's not windowsy enough, would require too large a switch-over, or just because no-one is willing to work on it?

I ask mainly because I have tried delving into setup.exe a couple of times and have had serious trouble working my way around the code. It seems if cygwin's aim is to produce a unix-type system on windows, surely it would seem sensible to use a unix-type installation system?


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