Christopher Faylor wrote:
On Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 07:12:37AM +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
I would not support such a move.

I'd be interested to hear your reasons, so we might discuss this.

Again, I do not see any reason to fragment cygwin/cygwin-apps development like this. Telling people that you need to use svn if you want to check out the setup sources and cvs if you want to check out everything else is not where I want to go.

Why is this bad? setup development doesn't really have any ties to the rest of cygwin development. How would this be a disadvantage?

I don't want to set up a separate "svnweb" service.


I don't want to move to svn while people have not made up their minds
about the best source control system to use.  This issue came up in the
gcc summit and there was apparently quite a bit of discussion but no

It seems incredibly unlikely that people in general will ever decide on "the best source control system". Which people in particular do you want to wait for?


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