On Fri, Aug 20, 2004 at 12:17:11PM +0100, Max Bowsher wrote:
>Larry Hall wrote:
>>At 12:28 PM 8/19/2004, you wrote:
>>>Why is this bad? setup development doesn't really have any ties to the 
>>>of cygwin development. How would this be a disadvantage?
>>If the two groups of developers are not mutually exclusive, it's a
>>disadvantage.  It sets up a barrier to all those in one group
>>contributing to the other.  In the past at least, some reasonably sized
>>sub-group of 'setup.exe' developers also contributed to cygwin.  Some
>>in the cygwin development team also contributed to 'setup.exe'.  That's
>>good.  Minimizing the pain involved in this cross-pollination is
>You make a good point, though the CVS and Subversion mindsets are not
>so far apart that any barrier would be minimal.  Also note that very
>little (none at all?) cross-pollination for as long as I can remember,
>even with both projects in the same VCS on the same server - so this
>does not seem to be in practice, of great importance.

Can we put this discussion to rest?

- Many of use have used subversion and no one, other than you, is
clamoring to move.

- Neither Corinna nor Robert nor I support the idea of moving.

- I would not support giving you access to the sourceware web server
and allowing you to maintain a local version of subversion just for
setup.exe use.  I do not believe it is an appropriate use of the
limited resources on sourceware.org.

- I do not want to split the cygwin project into a "this part uses
subversion, this part uses cvs." I don't want to be explaining where to
get subversion to any potential contributors or explaining why you check
out the setup sources one way and the cygutils or cygwin sources
another way.

- I don't want to set up another system for inspecting the sources on
the web.

- I do not want to set up subversion on sourceware until there is a
consensus that it is the way the whole system will be moving.  Possibly
you could get consensus in overseers for this, and you are welcome to
try, but I don't think this is going to happen any time soon.

- I don't want the cygwin-apps mailing list to be filled with pros and
cons of various source control systems.

I appreciate very much that you are willing to step in and offer
assistance for maintaining setup.exe but if the only way you will do
this is to move the sources to subversion then "Thanks, but no thanks."


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