Reini Urban schrieb:
Ok, I fixed all cygwin issues. vendor, pid's, rebased, better pm_to_blib
PS: Some cygwin-specific patches don't work OOTB with MSVC, so I have to
fix some more in the upcoming huge upstream patch.
And some libwin32 tests require Administrator.

Suddenly Jan Dubois released an updated libwin32-0.24 at CPAN today, containing the current ActiveState status (

What should I do?
Make a new one based on this immediately, or wait a bit until
0.191 is out?

This contains none of our patches so far, but he said that he will be responsive in the near future. Fine.
At the first glance 0.24 brings almost nothing new compared to 0.191

It's a bit a problem because site_perl overrides vendor_perl, and if someone installs libwin32 via CPAN our modules are gone.

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