Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
> Gerrit P. Haase wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have selected some packages checked in the partial view which packages
>> are active, then when installation strted several packages were
>> installed which were not selected.  E.g. autoconf, automake related and
>> such. 
>> Since I explicitely excluded these form upgrade because I use local
>> patched versions, I'm somewhat shocked now.  It is really a mess.  My
>> local versions got uninstalled.

> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency autoconf2.1: Selecting
> version 2.13-1 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency autoconf2.5: Selecting
> version 2.59-2 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency automake1.4: Selecting
> version 1.4p6-2 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency automake1.9: Selecting
> version 1.9.6-1 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency libtool1.5: Selecting
> version 1.5.20-2 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency openssl097: Selecting
> version 0.9.7i-1 for installation.
> 2005/11/25 14:31:42 Adding required dependency sysvinit: Selecting
> version 2.84-4 for installation.

> Libtool requires autoconf, automake, but what requires sysvinit?  None of
> the selected packages, but GConf2 which I have installed.
> I'm also pretty sure that I have decided to NOT remove clear and to NOT
> update to ncurses latest.  And the same for for libpcre.  Now I have NO
> clear at my system, no libpcre anymore.
> I think, this is bad. I cannot unselect the packages because they are
> automatically selected after the package chooser.  I never wanted to
> upgrade my libtool installation, btw. why was libtool selected at all?
> It is really a good thing that setup notes that there MAY BE some packages
> missing to fulfill requirements, however, it cannot know it for sure, i.e.
> if I use my own versions of some packages, and It MUST NOT add packages
> to the installation list on its own behalf!
> This setup.exe is trash, I'll revert to some older version now.

  Or you could untick the box that says "Install these packages to meet
dependencies".  Did that screen not appear?

> 2005/11/25 14:33:15 Installing
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Failed to open
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/andrew-inset.xml for writing.
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Failed to open
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/ for writing.
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Unable to install file
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/andrew-inset.xml
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Failed to open
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/andrew-inset.xml for writing.
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Failed to open
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/ for writing.
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Unable to install file
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/andrew-inset.xml
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 Failed to open
> cygfile:///usr/share/mime/application/andrew-inset.xml for writing.
> 2005/11/25 14:33:19 io_stream_cygfile: fopen failed 13 Permission denied
> [... continued about 411000 lines ...]

  Hmm.  Looking at that file on my install, it's got rwx------ perms.  Were
you running as the same user when you originally installed that?

Can't think of a witty .sigline today....

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